Actually, that was a good question. In Benchrest, mere thousands of an inch difference separates the winners from the losers, so every advantage must be utilized, such as 2oz. triggers, special actions, custom barrels, etc. In other words, the bolt guns are far different than the bolt rifles that non-competitors buy. The bolt guns lend themselves better for these mods. & more custom items are available for them as they have been used for competition for years. The Rem. Mod. 700 is the most common factory production action used for this reason & the round receiver bottom is part of that. However, in factory form, Savage, CZ, Tikka & others are barking at the Rem's heels even though for the above reasons thy don't show up in competition, not yet anyway. But if you look at the new Tubb rifle used in long range competition, well it has a lot of AR type features such as part of the receiver & foreend. This trend will continue & as stated earlier, the AR kicks butt at the 600 yard line.
Soooo, as time goes on, the gap between the AR type rifle & the Bolt Gun
is narrowing some. I expect the bolt gun to dominate in the big calibers
for a while, but when we look at the 223 round, this is where the AR does
it's stuff & a custom bolt gun can outshoot it, mere thousands of an inch,
remember. But comparing the factory bolt gun at it's best like the Varmit Remingtons or Savages & the better Varmit AR, they are neck & neck, with my bets going toward the better AR's. My RRA Varmiter 24" started
putting 5 bullets under 1/2" almost from the get-go & now I expect & get better. I will always be a bolt action guy for the 25 cal & up, but I have sold my 223 Bolt guns & I will not look back!!!