Got to try on the 100yd range. Had a 2x7 Redfield (set at 7x) and the regular wooden 'rests' w/carpet stapled to them.
Tried 2 groups 5 shots each, with a few minutes between to rest my eyes.
25g 4895 w/ 53g Hornady Match hollowpoint went 1-1/2, then 1-1/8
27g 4895 w/ 40g Hornady Vmax went 1-1/16, then 7/8"
UMC factory 45g HP went 1-1/4", 1-1/4"
There were some flyers in the 53g Match groups, but I think they may actually have the best potential of all. Time will tell.
I am very pleased. I think this is about as well as I could do with any rifle at this point, and feel like this TC will give me something to grow into.
I also ordered a gunstocks inc, rollover stock set and will be finishing that up over the next few weeks. Interested to see if it will be any difference compared to the factory stock.
Nate C