The vernier sight arrived from Track of the Wolf. It was cheaper than the Lyman No.2 I put on the 1886, and MUCH BETTER quality. And cheaper.
Part No. RS-CREED-5-WE $55 How can you beat that?
Of course, being that cheap, there is probably a built-in glitch that's invisible, but that guarantees you can not outshoot the $500 verniers.
But I digress. I am as excited as a 2yr old on Christmas Eve.
I will probably inlet the stock for the base of the sight.
If someone could tell me the thickness of the wood in the wrist area I would appreciate it.
I have the option of D&T the breech where it joins the stock for the forward screw, if there is enough metal to accept the screw without weakening the gun. Again, any experienced info will be greatly appreciated.
I might have to attach the thing with wire ties, big wire ties, and head to the range. OOOooops, can't, I'm out of ammo...
I hope the rest of y'all are having as much fun as I am