My worst reloading result? Well, I'll explain it as it happened:
On target, concentrate, get breathing under control, squeeze trigger, squeeze, sque-e-e-e-e-z-e...............CLICK!!! Round didn't go off. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Nothing serious, as I found out I seemed to have missed placing a charge of powder in that one. This was in my 30-06. OK, so it wasn't
that bad, but that is as bad as I've had so far.
I only had it happen once amongst all the rounds I have loaded, but still that sickening *click* sure seems more deafening than the report itself. :shock: When it happens, you really start thinkin'! :eek:
Land Owner, don't feel too bad. I've seen some pretty stupid people out there who did way worse that you ever could. Ever see someone shootin' steel at 20yds. with an M-16? Well, I took cover behind one of the shooting benches till he was finished...or until something else happened. :twisted: I still caught a piece of shrapnel just under my lower lip, no blood, but it sure got my attention. I figured I'd take better cover until
they got the message......they finally cut it out when one of their own folks caught a large fragment that splashed back. It nailed him in the chest; he gave out a serious reaction, but he was OK. Heh, they didn't do that anymore. :roll:
