I couldn't believe it! My shooting went to pot and I thought I was having a bad day. Then I tried a bit of dry firing against a blank wall and noticed a slight upward hop of the sight when I made a good trigger pull. It was a loose scope mount.
At first it seemed like slide movement on my 1911, but further inspection revealed that it was definitely a loose mount-- even though the mount had been carefully installed with good technique and blue loc-tite.
You may be thinking that a loose mount for a red dot scope on a 1911 isn't that unusual, but to me it certainly is. Especially since that 1911 is a .22 conversion!!! .22 Long Rifle, that is!!!
Fortunately I had a set of comparable Leupold mounts around the house to replace them with.
I've had a few lessons in cheap mounts and this is another. I thought I could get away with cheap mounts on a .22 and was proven wrong.