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Offline victorcharlie

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No more batman comics for the grand children
« on: June 01, 2006, 03:24:07 PM »
Seems DC is bringing batwoman back as a lesbian.  Where is this going to end?
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue."
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Offline Brett

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No more batman comics for the grand children
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2006, 04:12:13 AM »
The fags are pushing their 'lifestyle' on our children once again.  Seems like half of the programs on TeeVee have at least one gay character in them.  The schools in 'Caliphornica' want to remove any form of the words 'mother' and 'father' from all school reading materials because they are " too gender specific."  And now they have gay characters in the comics.  Give me a break already.  :evil:
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Offline rockbilly

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« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2006, 04:57:25 AM »
:( The mind set of many of many Americans today, on various issues, bring to mind a line from an old Merle Haggard song, "we are headed down hill like a snowball headed for hell."

Sometime you look around and wonder, what the hell is going on in this country? :shock:

Offline Questor

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« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2006, 05:40:18 AM »
This probably reflects the demographics of the people who read comics. Kids don't read comic books at all anymore and haven't for a long time. Most are read by spike-haired, tattooed and pierced twenty-somethings looking for unconventional media.  Check out a comic book store today and you'll find the uncloseting of Batwoman to be a pretty tame subject.

When my kids were little I looked for some Donald Duck and similar comic that I remembered from when I was a kid. Some newly published ones were still available, but cost about $7 per comic book. This is the same size book that I paid between ten and twenty five cents for when I was a kid. Needless to say, I didn't buy it because it was clear that times had changed. (I just waited a while and bought them a Buckmark .22, a CZ 22 rifle, an Encore .223, and a Mossberg pump 20 gauge instead :wink: )
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Offline 30-30man

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No more batman comics for the grand children
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2006, 02:33:21 PM »
I quit carrying cable for that very reason.  They replaced the outdoor channel with the queer channel Bravo. There is nothing on that channel but queers.  They even show the homos getting married.  They said I would have to pay an additional $13 a month to keep the Outdoor channel but I had no choice in taking the queer channel (Bravo). If I wanted to be around queers, I would hang around home decorating stores.

Offline ironglow

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« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2006, 12:31:33 AM »

    I was shocked when I heard such an announcement on Fox News..

  Then Questor hits me with the demographics of today's comic book readers....I suppose "dumbographics" would be a better term !

   I am going to hit 70 yrs this summer and I presume I am a bit out of touch...
  I have noticed a disturbing (to me) trend recently. That trend is for otherwise sensible adults to not really care for the old adventure, or mystery films.
  Instead, today I notice adults mixing metaphors..watching movies that are part real, part cartoon...or watching, without children even present, such kiddie shows as " Ice Age "..
  I guess I don't me, toonies like that are for toddlers or somewhat older children..

   That the weird, metal covered pierced/tattooed twenty-somethings read comic books, comes as no real surprise...can't expect anything constructive from them anyway (IMHO).
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Offline tscott

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« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2006, 03:36:38 AM »
Does anybody else remember the 50's? It was big for kids to pull around wagons of comics and baseball cards... What the hell is going on.
Guess I could be a pretty good hermit!!!!

Offline Questor

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« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2006, 04:06:28 AM »
Computers is what's going on. My son is 14 and is at the age where his friends are becoming very important to his social life. They play role playing games on the internet. His game is Runesape. There are thousands of players around the world and these guys spend their idle moments with stuff like this. I don't think it's a bad thing, as long they don't spend too much time on it.  It's escapism, just as comic books were with me.
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Offline WmRoy

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No more batman comics for the grand children
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2006, 07:30:38 AM »
Quote from: Questor
Computers is what's going on. My son is 14 and is at the age where his friends are becoming very important to his social life. They play role playing games on the internet. His game is Runesape. There are thousands of players around the world and these guys spend their idle moments with stuff like this. I don't think it's a bad thing, as long they don't spend too much time on it.  It's escapism, just as comic books were with me.

My 14 year old son is hooked on the same game.......... between that and playing Star Wars online (with his PS2) it fills up most of his time....... I wish we lived back on the farm so I could tell him to spend all day stacking bales or scooping bunks and such...... that's what my father had us doing long before 14......... oh well.

Offline Old Griz

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« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2006, 07:15:39 PM »
:cb2: I wrote to DC Comics and voiced my feelings about the perverted Batwoman. I know they'll just chunk it, but I had to let them know that not everyone is going to approve of what they are doing. We've let too much go by already.

I Cor. 2.2 "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified."

Offline RackWrangler

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« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2006, 09:03:56 AM »
I think you guys are being a bit rough.

Brett, the term “fag” is offensive.  ItÂ’s defined as “a disparaging term for a homosexual man.”   Using this term is the same as using the “N” word to reference a black person.  As for "pushing their 'lifestyle' on our children", most gays and lesbians donÂ’t push anything.  In fact they are more open about sex and life with their children than heterosexual couples.

victorcharlie, you ask where's it going to end.  It's not.  The quote in your signature says it all...
Let every nation know whether it wishes us well or ill, that we will pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. . . .  
  A definition of liberty is "The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing."

Don't worry, homosexuality is not a disease.  You won't catch it from watching TV or being around gay people.  Your kids are safe.  With all the channels, sites, books, and other media available, everyone will have access to what they want to see, read, and hear.  Like this thread started with, if you donÂ’t want to be exposed to something, turn the channel, turn the page, move on to the next post or whatever you need to do.

I am not gay, but my one of my best friends is.  She's the nicest kindest person you'd ever hope to meet.  We've been friends since the 6th grade, and I'm 31 now.  She's been gay since I've known her.  She didn't admit it until after high school, but everyone knew.  Her life has been very difficult because of people with negative attitudes.  

I understand that most of you guys are a lot older than I am, and society has changed a lot over the last 50 years.  That's what's great about America...we change and adapt to the times.  There are other countries that have oppressed their people and stifled their freedoms, but thanks to our founding fathers we are guaranteed the rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" matter what it is that makes you happy (legally of course).

I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but it is my opinion and I wanted to share.

Thanks for listening,
:lol: Life's too short to not enjoy every minute :lol:

Offline victorcharlie

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« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2006, 09:49:48 AM »
Well Rick......your right, things have changed a lot over the past 50 years......and in other ways they stay the same.  There have always been those who choose to live out side society's norms.

The color of a man's skin is not chosen, but something he's born with.  I accept men of all colors as my brothers, but am not willing to fully adopt their culture, nor do I expect them to adopt mine.  There are, and always have been cultural differences.   Some things in other cultures I find fasinating.....other things gross me out......each unto his own.

Personally, I could care less what a person does behind closed doors but when you bring it to public attention then you better be ready for the scrutiny that is sure to follow.  I view the life style as a choice, and at least for me, the wrong choice.  What is occuring now is those who choose to live outside of society's rules want those of us who live by societys rules to give them legitimacy.  To embrace there behavior as normal and okay.

There are somethings that society allows, and other things it doesn't.  This is a fight to change society's rules.  

I don't think this is the right forum to make religious statements but most of those of faith do find this practice to be offensive.

So, I refuse to accept this as normal or main stream.  I choose who I wish to do business with.  I haven't bought a comic book in many years so DC really doesn't care what I think anyway.

Where's it going to end?  Well, during the time of Abraham there was a city named Sodom.   I suggest you read the book of Genesis for the rest of the story..........History most always repeats itself......
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue."
Barry Goldwater

Offline ironglow

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« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2006, 03:30:46 PM »
R-ranger says that homosexuals " are more open about their sex lives with their children than heterosexual couples."

   R-ranger...for your info...most heterosexuals, (NORMAL people) don't have sex lives with their children !!

   R-ranger says that the definition of liberty is " the right and power to act, believe or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing."

   Rranger...where do you derive your definitions from ?...Sounds like you have been handed them from some 60's radical...!
  Does that same right extend to every robber, rapist, child molester and flim-flam man out there ? Do they also have the "right and power" to act, believe or "express" themselves however they may wish ?

  Many of those with little life experience think only of "rights"...but they seem to forget that with "rights" come "responsibilities"...otherwise any culture would descend into the maelstrom of anarchy and Nihilism..

   Such confused people have always existed, and most societies keep them mildly in check by public disapproval...stigmatizing certain behaviors..

   BTW..behaviors are one thing..height, eye color or skin color are not electives , as are behaviors...let's not try to equate the two !

  Historically, cultures that have arrived at a place where they completely accept and approve of such perversion...soon find their whole society on the a downward slide...

   Your friend's angst is not so much because of people with "negative attitude" as it is something brought on by her own stubborn, defiant stance to defy societal norms...
  She is in the driver's seat...she can quit those perverted practices and lead a normal life...and many of those problems will simply vanish.
   If I were to want to wear a suit of armor everyday to work or desired to date apes or spent weekends chasing cars and peeing on tires ...I guess being beyond normal practices, I should probably expect a bit of ridicule...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline RackWrangler

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« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2006, 05:12:49 PM »
I was not out to change your views, I was just sharing another point of view.

  I respect your opinion.  I have read the Good Book (cover to cover) and know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.  I hope history doesnÂ’t repeat itself in that respect.

  Interisting study on reading comprehension.  Freud would have a field day.  
My statement was
they are more open about sex and life with their children.
 The word "and" lets you know that they are two separate objects in that part of the sentence.
The point is, heterosexual people (especially in America) tend to treat sex as a dirty act.  They don't talk about it, but then when they find out that their children are doing it they freak.  Sex is as natural of an act as why the stigma?

  As for my definitions; check out a library sometime and look at the non-dumbed down (unabridged) version of WebsterÂ’s Dictionary.
Here's what the Webster Web site had to say:


Main Entry: fag•got  
Pronunciation: 'fa-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
usually disparaging : a male homosexual

Main Entry: lib•er•ty
Pronunciation: 'li-b&r-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French liberté, from Latin libertat-, libertas, from liber free -- more at LIBERAL
1 : the quality or state of being free: a : the power to do as one pleases b : freedom from physical restraint c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges e : the power of choice
2 a : a right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant : PRIVILEGE b : permission especially to go freely within specified limits
3 : an action going beyond normal limits: as a : a breach of etiquette or propriety : FAMILIARITY b : RISK, CHANCE <took foolish liberties with his health> c : a violation of rules or a deviation from standard practice d : a distortion of fact
4 : a short authorized absence from naval duty usually for less than 48 hours
synonym see FREEDOM

You ask:
Does that same right extend to every robber, rapist, child molester and flim-flam man out there ? Do they also have the "right and power" to act, believe or "express" themselves however they may wish?

I answer:  Not if they break the law.  I am 100% in favor of arresting criminals.  (I am a police officer in Wisconsin)  Homosexuality is not against the law.  (IÂ’m sure youÂ’ll follow this up by stating that it should be, but the fact isÂ…currently it is not.)

More and more research is pointing to a physiological difference in the make up of the brain as the reason some people are gay and others are straight.  This research would point to it being a genetic trait just like blonde hair and blue eyes.

As I stated before, my friend has been like that since before puberty.  SheÂ’s not one of the band-wagon jumpers that are suddenly gay because itÂ’s in style.
Asking her to change the way she is would be like asking you to stop being a man.

:lol: Life's too short to not enjoy every minute :lol:

Offline Old Griz

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« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2006, 06:59:14 PM »
:cb2: When I was in college in the 70s and early 80s (I was on the 10 year plan—didn't make it, took 11) homosexuality was sexual perversion and deviant behavior. This is what was taught in my psychology classes, sociology classes, and cultural anthropology classes. All the text books agreed. Homos were still "in the closet" because it was immoral and wrong. By the time I went back to school to get my second masters degree, it wasn't wrong anymore. It was just an "alternate lifestyle." We even had a chapter of GALA on campus. (Gay And Lesbian Association) Hollywood, liberalism, and political correctness took something that had been disgusting and morally heinous for thousands of years, and in a 12-15 year period, turned it around. We are quickly losing all our moral values.

RackWrangler said,
I understand that most of you guys are a lot older than I am, and society has changed a lot over the last 50 years. That's what's great about America...we change and adapt to the times.

That's a load of crap. There are some things that should NEVER CHANGE. (Sorry RackWrangler, I'm not attacking you personally, I just think you've been fed a bunch of hoowie, and haven't thought it out completely.) We have to stand for some values. We're seeing our American culture getting flushed down the sewer.

Hey, do any of you guys remember when all the angry mothers across America tried to get Dizzy Dean off the air because of his "foul language"? All because he said, "AIN'T" on Saturday afternoon baseball. Now look at the garbage on TV.

What's really sad is that we let them do it. We let them reverse the meaning of "separation of church and state," and did nothing. It has even become a "constitutional right," though it's not found anywhere in the Constitution. "No-fault" divorce has now disolved the sanctity of marriage. We have abortion on demand, and now millions of babies are killed each year. We didn't protest. We didn't rebel. We didn't throw the tea in the harbour. We didn't arm ourselves and threaten the government. We just let them do it. (I'm NOT suggesting that we all go out and shoot a Congressman, but I bet you, if they had that thought in the back of their minds, we'd sure get cleaner and better leadership in government!)  :eek:

I see the kids I teach listening to the rap music they seem to enjoy, and I'm just thankful I can't understand the filthy lyrics. Folks tried to get "Satisfaction" banned back in the 60s when Mick Jagger lamented that he "cain't get no girly action." Now the songs glorify rape, drugs, murder, gangs, cop killing, and the sicker they can be, the better.

The NAACP should really aplogize to "Amos & Andy." It was taken off the air because it was "degrading to Negros." In "Amos & Andy" all the doctors, lawyers, judges, and professionals were black. The only white folks were crooks and con artists. Have you seen any of the black sit-coms today? Holy cow. Talk about degrading.

I see kid's that look like they are too stupid to wear pants. They walk down the halls scratching and holding their crotch, and some would have sex in the corner of the classroom if we'd let them. When I was in Jr. High/High School we had ONE girl get pregnant in our school that whole 6-year period.  It was such a disgrace back then, that the girl could not come back to the same school after she had her baby. She would have the reputation of being a slut. Now I have several pregant girls every year. Many already have children at home. One 10th grader was bragging to the guys in class about the abortion she had the year before. Just letting them know she was sexually active.  Another girl got really mad when she told the office staff they were going to throw her a baby shower, and they laughed at her. We even have one school in our district that has a nursery because so many of the girls there already have children.

When I was a kid the worst problems most teachers had was gum chewing and talking in class. Of course we started the day saying the pledge of allegiance, we sang a patriotic song, we had someone read a verse of Scripture from the Bible, and we then prayed. Today we can't read the Bible, pray, or even have the 10 Commandments up anywhere. "Thou shall not kill." That sure takes all the fun out of drive-bys when you've gotta aim to wound only. "Thou shall not steal." Where do you get your drug money? "Thou shall not commit adultery." Gee, no fun again this weekend. The Memphis City School system had 141 weapons confiscated last year. The Lord only know how many were there every day that were not found. Forty-one teachers and administrators were assulted by students. And who knows how much drugs were seized. The police aren't letting that one out.

Should we just legalize drugs too while we're at it?

Plus we're well on the way to becoming a bilingual nation. "Illegal" doesn't mean anything if it hurts someone's politically correct feelings.

And we should just "change and adapt to the times"??!!? LOOK WHAT IT'S DOING TO US.

I think you guys are being a bit rough.

We've waited too long to get rough. Us old guys grew up in a time when America was great. We had the respect of the world. Now we're a tiger in quicksand, and the other world monkeys are laughing and throwing sticks at us.

I hate it when I hear idiots say, "There are no moral absolutes," or "You can't legislate morality." God gave us a whole Bible full of moral absulutes, starting with the 10 Commandments (not 10 suggestions). And every law we make is a form of "legislated morality."

The moral decay is killing us. And this whole issue about a comic book superhero pushing homosexuality in our childrens' face is just another example of how far we have fallen. Embrace the sewer if you wish, but I'm going down swinging as long as I'm able.

I'm sorry. I've taken waaaaaaaaay too much time. And please, RackWrangler, don't take this as a personal attack. You just accidently hit one of my hot buttons. I fight this battle 10 months out of the year, and I'm tired and seriously outnumbered. I'll get off the soapbox now. It's someone else's turn.

I Cor. 2.2 "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified."

Offline ironglow

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« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2006, 02:27:26 AM »
   I also meant no attack upon you personally.  It is just that I ahve lived long enough to see this nation place one foot on the slippery slope to degradation...then by small, almost inperceptable increments, get to where we are today.
   Believe me; where we are today is a far cry from where we were just a few short decades ago....any nation that degrades so rapidly (from a historical point of view) is in  danger of rapid cultural collapse.
   In fact, comparing ourselves to great cultures of the past, we may well be IN the state of rapid cultural collapse and not even realize it !

   TM&s quote from Burke may well summarize the problem....
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2006, 03:40:18 AM »
I admit it may be true that this culture is seeing the beginning of it's own collapse. Virtually every culture man ever created ended eventually...

ONE NOTABLE EXCEPTION seems to be the very culture we are now in direct conflict with: the Theocratic based Islamic nutbags.

Now THERE is a culture with staying power! The ethics and other cultural icons of the middle eastern societies remain unchanged (save minor begrudging nods to newer technologies) from that of previous millenia, which one exactly is up for debate!

So it might come down to the lesser of two (or more) evils... free society with all the distasteful details it allows or absolutistic totalitarianism based on someone else's idea of what The Almighty decrees.

Being human ain't too pretty no matter what period of history you examine. Just an expansive variety of ugly to choose from.
Of course guns are dangerous... if they weren't they wouldn't be good for anything!

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« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2006, 05:54:39 AM »
The term fag is not offensive to me, it's what they are. Society may have changed over the years, but God hasn't. These people are sexual deviates, abominations in Gods eyes. Read 1st Romans, I believe verses 26, 27, 28, not sure, look it up. We as a society have allowed these perverts to push their lifestyle choices down our throats and influence our children. Fags themselves are offensive to me, not the term. POWDERMAN.  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

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« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2006, 09:30:05 AM »
Right on! Powderman  I hate homosexuality in any form.  God hates it too.

Offline RackWrangler

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« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2006, 09:47:12 AM »
The only way for someone to "push something down your throat" is by first opening your mouth. :eek:

Keep it shut and nothing can go down.

"They" are not forcing anything on you.  They are choosing to live life the way they want to.  No one is asking you to join in.

I don't like Starbucks, so I don't go to Starbucks.  I don't burn it down because I don't like it. :twisted:

:lol: Life's too short to not enjoy every minute :lol:

Offline Old Griz

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« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2006, 09:53:50 AM »
:cb2: So are you against having moral standards? Just let everyone do what they want to do, and simply ignore what you don't like? A totally Libitarian lifestyle and philosophy? Everyone chooses what is right and wrong in their own eyes kind of approach? That's the end result of your argument.

I Cor. 2.2 "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified."

Offline RackWrangler

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« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2006, 09:55:35 AM »
God hates it too

God hates...what happend to God loves?

EPHESIANS (4 -5) But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us,  even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.

I guess you've had a conversation with God lately and he told you he hates gays.  With all the problems in the world, you chose to talk about that?

:lol: Life's too short to not enjoy every minute :lol:

Offline RackWrangler

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« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2006, 10:06:53 AM »
I have my morals.   The one I try to live by most is the Golden Rule.  Treat everyone the way you'd like to be treated.  That means with respect.  Even if you don't agree with what they are doing, you still respect them as a human being.

We are all sinners.  Let God deal with everyone when their turn comes.

:lol: Life's too short to not enjoy every minute :lol:

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« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2006, 10:19:31 AM »
Rack Wrangler I've heard ENOUGH from you on this topic. No more.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2006, 10:29:33 AM »
:cb2: As a matter of fact, I HAVE talked with Him recently. And yes, He DOES hate the perverted sin of homosexuality! You could find out what He thinks about it, too, if you read the first three chapters of Romans (especially chapter one). So far God hasn't sent us a new revised, "politically correct" version of the Bible that allows for a liberal culture coming out of Hollywood, radical feminism, and the homosexual community, et al.

As a society we once had standards and moral convictions. We prospered and were a great nation. Yes, we still had problems. But now we are sliding into moral and cultural decay, where the lowest common denominator rules. There is no push for excellence. That's unfair, because someone (too lazy to put forth any effort) might be "left behind."

So if we reduce ourselves to the morals of a dog, then we can all live a happy dog's life. And who is the master?

I Cor. 2.2 "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified."

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No more batman comics for the grand children
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2006, 10:32:56 AM »
:cb2: Sorry Graybeard, I didn't see your post until after I had added my last one. I'll shut up, too, and drop this.

I Cor. 2.2 "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified."

Offline Graybeard

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« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2006, 10:51:07 AM »
Sorry Graybeard, I didn't see your post until after I had added my last one. I'll shut up, too, and drop this.

My comments were very specifically aimed at Rack Wrangler. He is the one taking the pro gay position here and I will absolutely NOT have them being defended and their life style made out to be anything but the perversion it is.

Anyone who wishes to defend their life style (gays) can do it elsewhere not here at GBO. And nope I really don't care who it makes mad for me to set that policy.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life anyone who believes in Him will have everlasting life!

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No more batman comics for the grand children
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2006, 02:44:53 PM »
Sorry Graybeard but I can't let anyone use the Bible to condone wickedness....If you're into reading God's word...try reading Judges 3:7-8 and 10:6-8.  God judges groups of people who participate in sinful, pervert things.  HIV happened for a reason.  New Orleans was hit by Katrina for a reason.  God still passes judgement on groups of people and uses the hardships to turn people away from their sinful ways.  I'll say no more...Sorry Graybeard and I appreciate your view on this topic....

Offline RackWrangler

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No more batman comics for the grand children
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2006, 03:14:18 AM »
My apologies to all.

I was unaware that this subject was not up for discussion.

As TM7 stated, I am in LE and do live a very tolerant lifestyle. (thanks for the understanding TM7)

Once again I apologize.

:lol: Life's too short to not enjoy every minute :lol:

Offline Brett

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No more batman comics for the grand children
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2006, 03:44:58 PM »

Main Entry: fag•got
Pronunciation: 'fa-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
usually disparaging : a male homosexual

Main Entry: lib•er•ty
Pronunciation: 'li-b&r-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French liberté, from Latin libertat-, libertas, from liber free -- more at LIBERAL
1 : the quality or state of being free: a : the power to do as one pleases b : freedom from physical restraint c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges e : the power of choice
2 a : a right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant : PRIVILEGE b : permission especially to go freely within specified limits
3 : an action going beyond normal limits: as a : a breach of etiquette or propriety : FAMILIARITY b : RISK, CHANCE <took foolish liberties with his health> c : a violation of rules or a deviation from standard practice d : a distortion of fact
4 : a short authorized absence from naval duty usually for less than 48 hours
synonym see FREEDOM  

I see,  the queers have the freedom, privilege. right, etc. to spew their garbage all over the public airwaves on radio and TV, and print whatever they want, even in children's comic books, and even go as far as promote it in our public schools, but I am to be condemned for using the term "faggots" on a private forum.  I guess only some get to enjoy this "liberty' you speak of.
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