Author Topic: need suggestions for a mauser gunsmith  (Read 436 times)

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Offline DIVR6347

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need suggestions for a mauser gunsmith
« on: June 09, 2006, 04:45:07 AM »
hi all
i have a yugo m48 that i want to sporterize and need suggestions for a mauser smith that gan work on them
this gun will need rebarreled to 25-06 rem  
drilled and tapped for scope mount
stock fitted
timney trigger installed
anyone know who i might call to get a ballpark quote on getting it done??
any suggestions would be great
divr6347  :D  :D

Offline Racepres

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need suggestions for a mauser gunsmith
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 01:02:05 PM »
Try Here
assuming that you do not wish to do any of it yerself.
I would check the OAL of the 25-06 carefully with that action.
Good luck and keep us informed..  MV

Offline Nobade

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need suggestions for a mauser gunsmith
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2006, 05:10:49 PM »
Here is my 2 cents, for what it's worth. Back in the day, after WWII, there weren't a lot of sporting bolt action rifles available. Building sporters out of cheaply available military rifles made sense. Now the situation has changed. The older military rifles are getting more and more scarce in good condition, and commercial hunting rifles are easily obtainable and cheap. What you want to do will cost you far more than buying a brand new Rem 700, Howa 1500, etc etc that is already designed for a scope, has a good trigger, will actually feed a 25-06, has a stock that fits like you want, on and on. And someday those mint condition (if that's what you have) M48s are going to be worth more than $150 or whatever they are going for these days. I did a conversion on one a couple of weeks ago very similar to what you describe, only in .308. It ran well over $1000 for everything, the guy was happy with the result, but I really hated doing that to a nice old rifle when it would have been possible to buy 2 new M700s with scopes instead.
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Offline gunnut69

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need suggestions for a mauser gunsmith
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2006, 09:04:49 AM »
The mauser is a very well engineered action and will make a very good basis for a custom rifle. That said Nobade is right in saying that a mint specimen should likely not be destruyed. Also he's was correct in that a cheaper way to go would be the purchase of a modern built hunting rifle. Of course gun folks many times do things that are less than logical...I sure do! There's little that handles like a well built mauser sporter and there are so many military rifles available that will never have any major collector don't have to feel guilty in re-working one to make yourself a dream rifle.. I fear the days of whacking off the forearm and screwing on a scope and calling it a custom sporter are most certainly finished!! (thank goodness!!)..
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"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."