Author Topic: Rcbs powder measure.  (Read 975 times)

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Offline HappyHunter

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Rcbs powder measure.
« on: April 01, 2003, 04:31:20 PM »
I am thinking of upgrading my Lee Powder measure to a RCBS uniflow.

Evidently there are two versions the older style that requires two cylinders and if you want the micrometer adj. two of those as well.  The new modle # 9010 has only one cylinder and one micro adj. is all you need to buy to throw .5 thru 110 gr powders.

First of all is my information correct?

Second, does anybody use the newer style # 9010?  and what do you think of it.

Fred :-)
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Offline KN

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Rcbs powder measure.
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2003, 07:50:27 PM »
Mine must be a newer style as it only has one barrel. Works great with most powders untill you get into the long extrudedes like IMR4831. Then it wont cut it cleanly enough to throw a consitent charge. But I dont know if any of them will work any better with that type of powder.  KN

Offline Steve L

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Rcbs powder measure.
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2003, 09:42:29 PM »
I went through a couple of Lee powder measurers before upgrading to a Lyman 55. Not long after that I found a deal I couldn't pass up on a new model RCBS powder measurer so I got it even though I did not need it. I switched out between the Lyman and the RCBS several times and came to the conclusion that the Lyman was more consistant than the RCBS. The most consistant of the three brands were believe it or not the Lee Perfect Powder Measurer but after wearing out two of them and not  being more than a tenth or so off using the Lyman I gave up on re-purchasing another Lee and settled for the Lyman since I'm sure it will easily last the rest of my life and group sizes were not effected by the minor weight differences in my rifles.

I never could get any of the three to throw consistant with Unique though!! And as you know with fast burning pistol powders a half grain either way can be just plain Bad!

Offline IronKnees

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Rcbs powder measure.
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2003, 02:40:48 AM »
Not really the answer you are looking for, but I too have the Lyman measure and it is VERY accurate. For handgun loads, I use the Lee disk measure and it is surprisingly accurate, especially with flake powders like Unique, Red Dot, etc.  For rifle, I took the plunge a while back and got the RCBS electronic scale/dispenser combo.. Expensive, but well worth the investment...  :D
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Offline Questor

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Rcbs powder measure.
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2003, 02:49:21 AM »
I use the RCBS with the micrometer adjustment and it's accurate, consistent, and is built to last a lifetime.  If I were buying one now, I'd look to another model-- one that will dump the unused powder back into it's container without removing the measure from the bench.  I think Redding makes such a measure, but I'm not certain of that.  In any case, the micrometer is an excellent addition if you're loading more than one load.  It really reduces the time it takes to get set up because returning a measure to a particular grain weight without a micrometer can be quite time consuming.
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Offline Tony D

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Rcbs powder measure.
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2003, 05:07:42 AM »
I too use an RCBS Uniflow, but don't remove it from the bench to dump the unused powder.  I "open up" the charge adjustment and use the charging handle to drop the powder directly into the can.  It can take a while sometimes,  but sure beats unscrewing the measure from the stand.
Tony D ><>

Offline coltfan

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Rcbs powder measure.
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2003, 07:41:03 AM »
I have been using my RCBS powder measure since 1977. Only recently did I choose to purchase the micrometer adjustment screw. Now I’m kicking myself for waiting so long. Any how, I thought that there were two different micrometer screws, with one being for small amounts of powder (pistol target loads) and the other for measuring larger amounts of stick powders (rifle loads). I finally discovered that the difference between the two adjustment screws, is size. I believe one is ½” in diameter, and the other is 11/16” in diameter (the size I required). I am guessing that RCBS changed the diameter sometime since I purchased my powder measure, as I am not aware of two different models being available.

I recall an article written by Greybeard, which I read on the old forum, where he talked about a powder measure which also used a micrometer adjustment screw, and which also allowed the removal of that assembly, to allow the powder to be dumped right back into the container. I believe it was a Hornady powder measure. I do recall his highly recommending this particular measure. You might want to consider this brand since I am not aware of RCBS having such a feature.

Offline Bullseye

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Rcbs powder measure.
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2003, 01:42:39 PM »
I have used the Hornady for about 10 years.  It comes with Micrometer screws and a stand as standard.  I have had really good luck with it.  Most everthing else I have is RCBS, but went with Hornady on the powder measure because I don't believe any company makes the best of everything and the Hornady comes with the Micrometer screws for less money than the RCBS.