Author Topic: States that allow assult-type rifles (ak-47s, ar-15s, etc)  (Read 3706 times)

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Offline 30-06man

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Re: States that allow assult-type rifles (ak-47s, ar-15s, etc)
« Reply #30 on: August 14, 2007, 01:58:57 AM »
once the person is convinced that its bad and its assult which its not, its hard the get them to change there mind. they see it as why would someone need a ak47. well they can be used for varmit and sport shooting and home defence but they don't see it like that. its hard to change someones mind but it happens. didn't jim zumbo say something about the "black" rifle? i don't remember what it was though.
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Offline thxmrgarand

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Re: States that allow assult-type rifles (ak-47s, ar-15s, etc)
« Reply #31 on: August 14, 2007, 08:29:03 AM »
I am not an attorney but can reliably report that Alaska has no restrictions in state law.  Moreover, I understand that state law prohibits municipalities from having restrictions that state law does not have.

I scrolled quickly through these posts.  Seeing that M1 carbines are restricted in NJ, I will comment that it looks like Hitler won there after all.  Seeing that Remington 7400's can be restricted in NY is surprising since Remington is a NY firm.  I too cringe when we use the term weapon when we are talking about a firearm; semantics has much to do with political issues and for the most part the mainstream media is not our friend so I am careful to not allow the media to choose my vocabulary.

Gunowners sure need to work hard on elections between now and November of next year.  We need candidates at every level to understand that firearms bring control to law-abiding citizens, police always arrive too late to help, and crooks will always have guns.  We need politicians to say now that they will not restrict firearms ownership by law-abiding Americans in any way, and we need to work very hard to defeat any candidate who will not publicly commit to that.

In the main, I do not trust government.  I feel safest when Congress, state legislatures and city assemblies are not meeting.  I am a single-issue voter and gun ownership is the issue.  I am very lucky to live in this time and place, and I am happy to pull my weight and do my best to ensure that the next generation has a right to keep and bear arms with at least as much freedom as I inherited.  Thanks for your time.


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Re: States that allow assult-type rifles (ak-47s, ar-15s, etc)
« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2007, 10:13:34 AM »
In the great Commonwealth of Virginia we can hunt with about anything , with mags holding as much ammo as you can carry ! that being said who wants to carry a gun with a 40 round mag. to hunt ? the gun will be taller than it is long !
I have friends who hunt with an AR-10 , after a while they get tired of the weight and go to a bolt action ! saying a black gun is more dangerous than a blued gun is like saying a red vet is faster than a white one !
At some point we will have to face facts the gun ain't the problem its the guy holding it !
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Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: States that allow assult-type rifles (ak-47s, ar-15s, etc)
« Reply #33 on: August 14, 2007, 11:19:35 AM »
Modern society is so far removed from farm life.  In 1900 about 90% of the people in the US lived in rural areas or small towns near rural areas.  Now 90% live in cities.  No one has to kill, slaughter, and eat their farm animals or what they hunted on the farm.  It is even getting so bad, people don't hardly cook from scratch anymore.  It is microwaved, poped in the oven, delivered, or they eat out.  If the city folks had to survive in the wilderness, they would starve to death.  They probably couldn't even grow their own, because their parents never did.  We are even a long way from victory gardens of our grandparents.  I also think that is why we have red and blue states and counties.  City people rely on others to supply their food, public transportation, utilities, and welfare. In rural areas, people can grow their own, hunt their own, fish, etc.  Oh, well off my soapbox.  Rural life is a dying art.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: States that allow assult-type rifles (ak-47s, ar-15s, etc)
« Reply #34 on: August 14, 2007, 11:24:45 AM »
Sorry I got off track, guns are common in rural America.  It never mattered what kind.  No one cared.  In the 50's a 12 year old could go buy a .22 rifle with is saved paper delivery money.  I don't care what kind of gun a person has or uses as long as he uses it ethically.  Use the right caliber for the game intended.  Magazine capacity doesn't make up for good shooting skills.  It can be fun if you can afford it for target shooting. 


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Re: States that allow assult-type rifles (ak-47s, ar-15s, etc)
« Reply #35 on: August 14, 2007, 01:09:14 PM »
hey dixie dude , someone important  once said "A COUNTRY BOY CAN SURVIVE " to that i add any weapon will work if you will ! black , blued , camo, stainless steel !
Help me just how much more danger does an AR-15 have over a mini-14 ? both can have 30 round mags , same bullet etc , what are the different states seeing ?
Lets face it a high cap mag ban only makes us pratice reloads !
Saw a woman shooting a pink AR-15 is that a safer gun ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Dee

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Re: States that allow assult-type rifles (ak-47s, ar-15s, etc)
« Reply #36 on: August 15, 2007, 05:46:29 PM »
I am not an attorney but can reliably report that Alaska has no restrictions in state law.  Moreover, I understand that state law prohibits municipalities from having restrictions that state law does not have.

I scrolled quickly through these posts.  Seeing that M1 carbines are restricted in NJ, I will comment that it looks like Hitler won there after all.  Seeing that Remington 7400's can be restricted in NY is surprising since Remington is a NY firm.  I too cringe when we use the term weapon when we are talking about a firearm; semantics has much to do with political issues and for the most part the mainstream media is not our friend so I am careful to not allow the media to choose my vocabulary.

Gunowners sure need to work hard on elections between now and November of next year.  We need candidates at every level to understand that firearms bring control to law-abiding citizens, police always arrive too late to help, and crooks will always have guns.  We need politicians to say now that they will not restrict firearms ownership by law-abiding Americans in any way, and we need to work very hard to defeat any candidate who will not publicly commit to that.

In the main, I do not trust government.  I feel safest when Congress, state legislatures and city assemblies are not meeting.  I am a single-issue voter and gun ownership is the issue.  I am very lucky to live in this time and place, and I am happy to pull my weight and do my best to ensure that the next generation has a right to keep and bear arms with at least as much freedom as I inherited.  Thanks for your time.

thxmrgrand, I agree, and am very happy to hear that you are NOT AN ATTOURNEY. ;D
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Re: States that allow assult-type rifles (ak-47s, ar-15s, etc)
« Reply #37 on: August 16, 2007, 02:06:49 AM »
DEE , you are TUFF !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !