Modern society is so far removed from farm life. In 1900 about 90% of the people in the US lived in rural areas or small towns near rural areas. Now 90% live in cities. No one has to kill, slaughter, and eat their farm animals or what they hunted on the farm. It is even getting so bad, people don't hardly cook from scratch anymore. It is microwaved, poped in the oven, delivered, or they eat out. If the city folks had to survive in the wilderness, they would starve to death. They probably couldn't even grow their own, because their parents never did. We are even a long way from victory gardens of our grandparents. I also think that is why we have red and blue states and counties. City people rely on others to supply their food, public transportation, utilities, and welfare. In rural areas, people can grow their own, hunt their own, fish, etc. Oh, well off my soapbox. Rural life is a dying art.