if the gun is for hunting,, .... when you go to the range shoot at the distance your comfortable with.. shoot a five shot group in the manner you will be hunting.. mark where each the first five shots hit on the target in order, mark with the date, powder amount and type, temperature, patch type, ball diameter, lube, and how you wiped for each of the five shots.. put this first target of the day in a folder.. do this each time out for a year.. then you will be able to look at your targets and see what is going on.. usually a high shot is on a dry day on the 2nd or third shot if you arnt wipping.. the lowest shot could be your first shot.. probably dfferent for every gun, and different for each load for that gun.. ideally a good load will keep them in the kill zone without wiping for two shots at 75 yards in cold temps and warm temps shooting the way you do in the field.... ball/ patch /lube /combo, barrel length, twist, groove depth, powder granulation, velocity, gun weight, fouling, temperature, humidity, and your hold all cause variables on this.. dave..