Author Topic: , Hooray for this Mayor  (Read 502 times)

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  • Guest , Hooray for this Mayor
« on: June 22, 2006, 11:04:44 AM »
Finally a politician with his head screwed on right [as far as I can tell].
Can this man run for president.....?  Now, Here's an immigration policy.
For your information []  .....TM7

An Open Letter from Mayor Lou Barletta:

I believe the United States of America is the greatest nation on Earth. People who are in this country have an incredible amount of opportunities and blessings. But some people have taken advantage of America’s openness and tolerance. Some come to this country and refuse to learn English, creating a language barrier for city employees. Others enter the country illegally and use government services by not paying taxes or by committing crime on our streets, further draining resources here in Hazleton.

Illegal immigration leads to higher crime rates, contributes to overcrowded classrooms and failing schools, subjects our hospitals to fiscal hardship and legal residents to substandard quality of care, and destroys our neighborhoods and diminishes our overall quality of life.

The City of Hazleton is empowered and mandated by the people of Hazleton to abate the nuisance of illegal immigration by aggressively prohibiting and punishing the acts, policies, people and businesses that aid and abet illegal aliens. That is why I proposed the Illegal Immigration Relief Act.

Part of this ordinance, if enacted, would punish companies that hire illegal immigrants by denying them permits, making it harder for them to renew permits and forcing their loss of city business.

Another part would hold landlords accountable. Because people moving into the city naturally require a place to sleep, our landlords are our first line of defense. Landlords who rent to illegal immigrants—that is, who rent to people without checking their documentation, may be fined $1,000.00 for every illegal immigrant staying on their properties.

The final part of this ordinance makes English the official language of Hazleton. All city documents will only be available in English. Those applying for a permit would have to speak English. While our emergency services will never be denied to anyone because of a language barrier, every other aspect of city business will be conducted only in English. Let me be clear, this ordinance is intended to make Hazleton one of the most difficult places in the U.S. for illegal immigrants.

This measure is not racist because it does not target one particular race. The Illegal Immigration Relief Act is intended to deter and punish any illegal immigration in the City of Hazleton. Requiring the use of English does not target any other language; it merely states that no matter what language you prefer to speak at home, English will be spoken when you conduct business with Hazleton officials.

Illegal Immigration is a drain on city resources. Every domestic incident, every traffic accident, every noise complaint, each time we send our police department, fire department or code enforcement officer to respond, it costs taxpayer dollars.

If the City of Hazleton began publishing official documents or conducting business in a second language, how would we respond when someone asks us to use a third, or fourth language?

Recent crimes – the shooting on Chestnut Street, the discharge of firearms at the Pine Street Playground, and high profile drug busts – have involved illegal immigrants. Sadly, some of those allegedly involved in those crimes were detained by other law enforcement officials over the years, but were somehow allowed to remain in this country. They eventually migrated into Hazleton, where they helped create a sense of fear in the good, hardworking residents who are here legally.

This ordinance does not roll back the welcome mat to those who are legally in the United States. This country was built on the backs of legal immigrants. My own great grandparents came to this country seeking a better life. Rather, this ordinance seeks to stem the flow of illegal immigrants into Hazleton. They are not welcome here!

To the residents of Hazleton, I say thank you for your continued support. Hazleton is moving forward and becoming an even better place to live. To our recently arrived legal immigrants, I say welcome. I personally wish you all the best. With hard work and determination, the United States and Hazleton can be a place where your dreams come true. And to illegal immigrants and those who would hire or abet them in any way, I say your time is up. You are no longer welcome.

If you support this measure, please click this link to email us your support . You can also show your support by attending the City Council meeting on Thursday, June 15th @ 7:00 P.M. where this ordinance will be presented to Council for approval. The next council meeting where the second reading will take place is July 13th @ 7:00 P.M. Please mail your petition in before that date to show your support. You may also contact my office at 570-459-4910.

Thank you and God Bless America.


Offline rockbilly

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« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2006, 12:14:17 PM »
:shock: He could get my vote.  I think a lot of politicians think this way, but are afraid of the Spanish backlash and do not openly express thrir views.  There is no doubt about one that speakes his mind up fromt.

Can we get him on the ballot? 8)

Offline Brett

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« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2006, 12:26:08 PM »
If only every city and township in the country would push for such laws we could lick the illegal immigration problem overnight.  I hope the honorable Mayor Barletta gets this Illegal Immigration Relief Act passed.  And yep I would probably vote for the man also if he were to run for a higher office but I would have to see were he stands on a few other issues such as abortion and the 2nd Amendment first .
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Offline ironglow

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« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2006, 12:36:34 AM »
Yes; hooray for the mayor..
  He is leading the charge to make things uncomfortable for these persistant lawbreakers...
  There are a few major cities that claim they welcome such riff-raff and are not going to assist in enforcing the national laws.
  In fact, cities like San Francisco, Minneapolis and Seattle have as much as said they will welcome these lawbreakers with open arms...

  The criminal element among these persistant lawbreakers are costing small town America a big share of their budgets...depriving honest citizens of the services that the honest people have paid taxes to get..

   There is somewhat of a solution in sight for small town America..

  When ever the small town authorities catch an already illegal alien in an additional crime they should make them an offer...

   A sure jail term there or a couple hundred dollars and a one-way ticket to one of the cities mentioned..crook takes his choice...
  ..But if the criminal ever shows up in the small town's area again and does any illegal thing ...he gets the whole book throwed at him...and the authorities WILL be watching him..

   Let the big cities that love illegal activity...have all they want..
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Offline Tn Jim

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« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2006, 05:43:25 AM »
Let's face it guys. The illegal problem is a huge joke on the American people. The President and all his cronnies keep hollering about immigration reform and punishing busineses that hire them. These laws are already on the books in most places and have been for years.The problem is they aren't being enforced. Why? Because there is no money to be made from it!!! If you have ever worked and paid taxes in this country you are being sold out. :evil: What is happening now is a repeat of the emigration act of 1986. We got shafted then and are getting shafted now. :eek:
Not all Muslims are terrorist, but oddly enough, all terrorist are Muslims.

Offline rockbilly

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« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2006, 06:02:25 AM »
:D I received a letter from Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, (R) TX yesterday. In October 2005 she introduced S 1823, the Illegal Immigration and Enforcement Empowerment Act, which would grant state and local officals expanded authority to arrest, detain and prosecute illegal aliens.  The legeslation would also create a Volunteer Border Marshal Program.

If passed, this bill will give local authorities the power to better enforce the law.  It would also help in making groups like the Minutemen legal marshals with the authority to detain illegals until they can be arrested by LEO.

I think if the bill is passed, a lot more of our local government officals will jump on board and take action to deal with illegals.  Maybe more will side with Mayaor Barletta.

Senator Hutchison is sharp, her ability to address the concerns of the people and still initiate efforts to maintain a work force is truly commendable.  I think I could support this old gal for a higher office. 8)