We always skinned them immediately after we field-dressed them, which was immediately after they were dead. We are *edit* NOT *edit* fans of "aging" meat with the hide on, if weather permits, we'll do it post-skinning, but you have to COOL THE MEAT FIRST!!!! This is the biggest source of "gamey" meat that we have run across, and it's only a problem if we've had someone else's meat that was "aged" with the skin on, aka, not properly cooled down, so the temperature spiked, bacteria grew, and the meat starts to rot, literally! I'm a big fan of shoot, gut, skin, preferably all within 30 minutes of the first step.
Wow, I can't believe I typed, "we're fans of aging meat with the hide on", exactly the opposite, skin those buggers RIGHT AWAY, and no, do not age pork or bear