I just installed Garmins City Navigator v.8 in one of my gps units. It is rather detailed, and has a number of options. I picked one of my remote campsites that is serviced by logging roads. The route was over 250 miles. It included four county roads, three State highways, one interstate highway, and two minor Forest Service Roads. I was amazed that the software even identified one Forest Service road by its number. I think the sign has been gone for years. On the last branch of the the road the routing just identified the one mile spur as a road. But rather impressive.
Having had some illness in the family I did a check on another option. I clicked on the hospital Icon and was given a number of hospital, addresses, and phone numbers for them. It also provides the address and phone numbers for restaurants and loding giving the direction and distance. Hit the goto button and it will auto route the trip from your location.
This is not cheap software, it cost $119.99 from a number of internet outlets. The base map on most mapping gps units do not provide this level of detain.