Yeah, the "extreme" ends of the spectrum, political liberals and conservatives, are moving apart and show little desire to compromise. As a political conservative I have some strong ideas as to why that is.
First, as a conservative, I hold to the values that have brought this nation to greatness. Conservatives do tolerate different points of view and politely listen as liberals (think Moore and Sheehan and Kennedy and Gore and Kerry, and the screamers in the congressional gallery, et al) experess contempt for us and the nation as a whole because we disagree with them on points of policy. But the personal contempt on their part shows they have no intention of compromising with us! For them, compromise means letting them have their way in every area and to what ever length they want to go.
No? Who wants to remove/restrict our rights as gun owners while forgiving criminals, us or them? (They are sort of quite on the gun issue today because it has gotten they hurt at the ballot box but they are seething underneath and will be on the move against us as soon as they can do it.)
Liberals hold "compromise" as a high value and iIt can be a good thing. Past conservatives have allowed liberals to take control of our schools, the judiciary, the media, and, to a large degree, the government, but I cannot bring myself to agree with compromise on clearly wrong policies like gay marriage, partial birth, baby brain sucking abortion, envy taxation for loafer redistribution, social experiments in the military, total government control of education, seeking to take my tools for defense and recreation under the guise of crime control, forbidding any mention of Jesus in public while any other religion, profanity and pornography is smiled upon and trial lawyers happily corrupt our legal system by adding billions of dollars to our medical bills, ladders, guns, power tools, women's make-up, etc, with silly lawsuits. Liberals don't want conservatives to speak in public at all. (Don't confuse wackos demonstrating at the funerals of our GIs with real conservatives, please!)
Okay, compromise with views that are, in themselves, just matters of opinion is good. But compromise between right and wrong is not. If a criminal gang burst into your home, tied you, your wife and childern up and then began threating to kill you all would you want to compromise? I mean, would you suggest that perhaps they would settle for raping your wife and daughter, breaking your arms and legs and blinding your son rather than killing you all? I believe that the things todays "liberals" want the rest of us to agree to things in that vein and much of it would eventually work to destroy our nation. So, are we moving apart, and where is the middle ground? Yes but we conservatives who have moved, it is the liberals who have, in fact, gotten more insane each passing year.
There was a time when even a Democrat president knew that a good economy wasn't based on high taxes on the business interests that were providing the best jobs! Sadly, the Democrats used to be pretty social & political conservative at heart but that's no longer true. Wackos now own that party, it has been bought and paid for by the mega-rich and they intend to use it to advance their looney ideas for social control of the rest of us. They do that with taxes and taking away our constitutional liberties.
Not to say the Republicans have a shortage of liberal wackos but they are slightly in the minority, for now.
I'm not a Republican, not even sure what that even means anymore, but I'm for sure not a modern Democrat either. The liberals will continue to use the Democrat Party to jam their social idiocy down my throat and enforce it by the power of police guns but I won't compromise on much more. I will continue to stand on the same pricipals I have held for my 65 years while watching them move further and further thru the looking glass and into the land of Oz.
Jim <><