Hunting hogs on public land in Florida is strictly a fair chase game. I have seen a couple of scents on the market but have my doubts about how effective they might be. My suggestion is to find hog sign in a area and then study it to determine what they are feeding on and when they are moving. Here in interior central Florida, they are feeding on red root, black berries, grubs, nut grass root, and whatever they can turn up in deep cover swamps right now. Movement is mostly at night except on rainy evenings or mornings at first and last light In September, they will start fattening up on acorns and move a little more during light hours. Cloudy, cool days = all day hunting.
On private land, we use feeders but they are no guarantee of success. I've watched hogs pass up corn for roots more than once. When I was still hunting on public land, my girlfriend used to pile up acorns in front of her stand. Hard for a warden to call that baiting and she killed as many hogs as I did so who knows? I do know the pile was frequently rooted up over night. She got the tip from a hunter we knew who would rake them up in church parking lots for free to get the acorns. Probably a grey area legally but...