If you use body grip traps you can pick up more mink by putting a fine wire (approximately .032) , something like wreath tying wire or florists between your spread out bodygrip triggers. You will pick up small males and of course females the smaller of the species. A canadian study showed a female mink going thru a set up body grip 13 times before it would have set trap off. Think about that! Just think all the times you checked a body grip with nothing in it..... did a small mink go thru???. Ive seen tracks in mud by my bodygrips that showed the mink went thru my body grips....after that i put very small cable between my triggers with small ferrules and later used the florists wire. If you want to just take males then dont put wire between triggers. BUT the largest wild mink ive taken was in a # 55 montgomery trap with wires and the huge buck mink had its big head and one front leg thru a wired trigger before it set it off.. I dont know how he even did that he was so big. This male mink measured 35 1/2 inches from nose to tail. Just a huge, huge wild mink. It wasnt a tame ranch mink either. Good luck trapping