As the deer was fly blown and being eaten alive by the maggots we do not know what rifle/cartridge combination was used to shot the Roe Doe nor who shot it first. We do know the one which put her down . Now as to the specs I listed they are those required as a minimum by LAW in Scotland and are not recomendations just the legal minimum and nothing more.
FYI, I was once driving up a gravel riverbed in New Zealand, when a Red Deer spiker cantered across and stopped to watch me from the other side.
I shot it with a 90gr Sako bullet from my 6mm Rem. behind the shoulder at about 60yds, and it dropped it on the spot.
When I rolled it on to it's back to gut it, my friend exclaimed, "My God, that 6mm makes a mess!"
To my surprise, on the opposite side to where I had shot it, was a large blackened crater, seemingly the size of a soup plate, right on the ball-joint at the point of the shoulder!
Further disection revealed it was only a surface wound, not an exit hole from the other side, and the wound was also lightly maggot infested.
My inquiries locally revealed that an acquaintance had shot a spiker a week earlier at the same place, at point-blank range, with a hot, hand-loaded 130gr .270 bullet! It had gone down as though pole-axed, but when he walked up unarmed to recover it, it lurched to it's feet and made off into the bush in the twilight, and he was unable to find it.The .270 bullet had vaporised, with a penetration of no more than a couple of inches.
Yet, I have a bush pilot friend, who lives on the opposite side of the same National Park where the aforementioned incident took place, who has been shooting Red and Sika deer for 30yrs with an AR15 and 50gr bullets. He always employs the neck shot, and to my knowledge, has lost only one or two deer.
He is now in his late sixties, and shoots few deer anymore bar the odd one for the freezer, and has recently taken to the heavier .223" bullets to compensate for his less acute vision in twilight!
NB...said bushpilot is named Charlie Janes, and has written half a dozen terrific books on hunting and flying in New Zealand, published by Reed Publishing in NZ.