Rick: I am sure danged sorry to hear about all the restrictions on gun ownership and hunting in Canada and the effects it is having on Outfitters and such, because to me you folks are my northern bretheren - better'n being upstairs neighbors.
I don't know what hever happended with my Canadian neighbors - we used to be able to count on them for being their own dependable selves. We were solid allies during all wars and the Canadian efforts during the American embassy siege in Iran always confirmed that in my book. You were with us in Afganistan and your snipers were there to back us up. When we wanted to award those heros your government treated those men so badly we just about wanted to move the revolution further north.
But then you go and say that the UN sez Canada is one of the nicest places to live in the world. But not for firearms owners. And, I understand that your crime rates, along with those in England and Australia, are way up because of the effects of the various weapons bans.
I'll tell ya what Buddy. If you're in Ontario you prolly aren't any more than 5 or 6 hours from where I am in uppa state NY. You and Ol Tom, the only two Northern Brothers we know of, can come on down anytime you want and get that chance to shoot a handgun more than once in your life and to do more than just wiff at a semi-auto. If you come down early enough on Sunday mornings we can have a monster breakfast at teh gun club.
It may be that if a few more Canadian shooters visit and go back up north after some high times shootin' with semi-autos and assault type weapons and rafles and pistols and such, without getting any holes innem, then maybe the rest of your countryfolk will see that guns aren't the threat to the continued existence of mankind that your politicians are.
I'll tell ya - there are only a couple of things that really pizz me off: hillary klinton and her types are one, the PRK is another, and any political system that bans guns is the third.
I'm telling ya Boys, it's time fer another revolution. This be Mikey.