As a beginner on this site, I am very impressed by the level of courtesy and respect that I see here at GBO. The exception so far, being this section. It seems that most posters here are very angry that some of us believe there are conspiracy facts, rather than just theories. They have no interest in investigating the strange behavior of our government, which is suppose to be a servant government. Rather, they just come here to rage against, and hopefully silence those who would speak of such things.
I certainly agree with this thread. Thanks Matt. And as for TM7, I have seen your composier in facing some very nasty ridicule, and I will say - You have a lot of class.
As for anyone who does get outed from here on a suspension, may I suggest Craiglist Rants and Raves. You can be just as hateful and foul mouthed as you like there; it's all part of the game.