Author Topic: Problems with!  (Read 719 times)

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Offline rimfire

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Problems with!
« on: August 09, 2006, 03:52:03 AM »
I have a Contender with a 7-30Waters barrel from Virgin Valley.  Yesterday evening I was shooting groups at 200 yards with a reasonable load of Varget behind a 120 gr NBT.  Shot nice groups...when the gun stayed closed.

I think I pushed the gun too far forward in the sandbag and recoil activiated the opening lever.  In the process of opening it must have damaged something about the locking mechanicsm because after that it was difficult to keep it closed.  Darn thing was hitting me in the head with the cases at a pretty good clip.  When it stayed shut all the shots were inside of 3 inches at 200 yards, even with the flinch it was causing.  Thank goodness for qualty safety glasses.  Those cases were flying.

I need to send the gun in somewhere to be fixed and I cannot send it to T/C for two reasons.  One, I do not want them "fixing" my trigger job and two, it is not a T/C barrel.

Any thoughts as to what is wrong and to where I should send it?  Please note I also want the firing pin module replaced at the same time, and, I have another frame that this barrel has never closed on and I would like to get that corrected also.

I figure to get a lot done right now because after getting pelted with the cases last night I don't want to shoot my Contenders for a little while! 
Be honest with yourself.  Can you guarantee you would hit a paper plate at 250 yards...100 yards...50 yards?  Then you have no business replacing the plate with a live animal.

Offline dubber123

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Re: Problems with!
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2006, 02:35:26 PM »
Try putting a little light grease on your locking lugs and close the action.  This will let you see if the locking lugs on the new barrel are going fully into the frame.  If they are barely going in, it might be hard to keep it locked, and you may have to replace/stone the lugs until they have full contact.  A very hot load will do the same thing, but you say this is a mild load, so that shouldn't be the problem.

Offline HL

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Re: Problems with!
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2006, 07:20:04 AM »
Not sure, but you may also want to try some heavy duty lug springs. Most of the custom dealers carry them.

Good Luck,


Offline lovedogs

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Re: Problems with!
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2006, 03:37:54 PM »
I'd second the opinion on the locking lugs being the problem.  Color them with a magic marker and shut it a few times to check engagement.  There used to be different sized lugs available to ensure deep engagement.  Heavy springs will help, also.  Also, remember to keep all oil and grease off those lugs.  If you lube them they can slip out.  They were meant to be run dry to stay engaged.