Griz, I would agree thru experience that a well placed shot of any bullet configureation is the key to winning a fight. I once knew an officer in Tx. who had a man on pcp get him down and take his night stick away from him. This Dept allowed officers to carry 41 mags. and other officers running to the officers aid, testified that everytime he (the officer that was on his back) pulled the trigger, goose down from the perpatrator's down vest came flying out the back. The officer was shooting clear thru him with no effect. The man was hit with numerous fatal shots in tissue area and died at the scene when his brain ran out of oxygen. I have read police reports where the first shot fired was a heart shot and the person continued to fight, until the oxygen depleted in the brain. This is what happens with proper mindset. I have also read reports on officers being shot, receiveing a flesh wound, going into shock, and dying because they THOUGHT they were going to die. As a retired swat team leader, tactical k-9 trainer and Tactical Firearms Instructer, I taught for years, to have the proper mind set before going into a situration where you might have to fight for you's or someone elses life and, to break the infra-structure (skeletel bones) was the only sure way to take someone down. This is why the 9mm and other simular caliburs fail. Tissue hits, although they may prove fatal, may not stop the immediate threat. There are no mericle bullets. Just well placed shots. I have been in two instances involving three assailants, where training and a steady nerve were the difference. The constant training on the range caused the bullets to go where they needed to go. The mind set, to stand and fight, caused me to be steady. Too many people place too much faith on these new bullets. I have seen the best hollow points go thru several thin layers of clothing, plugging up the hollow point (which by the way works on hydrolics produced by body fluids) causing it not to open at all. I agree with Jeff Cooper unless he changed his mind in later years. A flat point, trunkated, 200 grain 45 calibur bullet at between 900 and 1000fps is a fight stopper if well placed. It will not bounce off bone but the flat point will cause it to bite into the bone. Wanna check it out? Get a bowling pin and shoot a glanceing shot with a hollow point, then a glancing shot with a flat point, and see for youself. Stand your ground and fight, accept the fact you may take a hit, and get mean. Forget fancy computer designed bullets. Just my opinion based no mine, and other officers experience.