Back when I went to College At Bloomsburg Pa. the students that lived on campus that wanted to hunt had to keep their shotguns or rifles in the Campus Security Office. At that time, maybe still is, the Campus Security was a low division of the PA State police. They did have a locked safe in the back for student or faculty firearms.
No reason was needed for keeping them there. I just had to sign in and out. Most likely for liability. No dirty looks. No back ground checks were done. But that was very pre-9/11. 90% of the time the guys would ask were I was going. Not to bust my stones, but the questions went towards them looking for a sweet spot to hunt. My junoir year there was one guy who did not hunt working the night shift. He would keep his mouth shut but I felt real good I had to bother him at 4:00 AM. Some of us guys would all go over all at once. He was forced to quit after one year. Rent-a-cop mentality & non-team player I think if memory serves.
If henry1 is off to Wyoming then I can see the guys asking about hunting spots also.
Ammo was purchased by the box, or reloaded at home, and kept in my car in a locked .30 Cal ammo can painted to look like a tool box next to the Spare tire out of sight. (1978 mazda GLC). If you keep the stuff in the truck as necessary then find a spot one block off campus to park during hunt seasons you should be OK. A friend living off campus is next best. Until you stop by at 4:30 AM to get the ammo for deer or goose hunting.
Gun cleaning was done at the game lands or hillside parking lot before going back. That was a pain in the butt when it was raining/snowing or during the cold of a late PA deer season.
henry1.. you did not say what you wanted to take. Rifle, Shotgun, Handgun? Hunting type stuff would go over OK, I think 98% of the time in WY. If you show up with Hi-cap 1911s, Glocks and a tricked out AR15 or combat 870 you will get the looks. College students are supposed to be liberal with a "Elect Hillary" pin you know?
I hope this helps. Let us know how it works out for you.