The screw under discussion has not worked loose like the grip screws. But you never know, it could happen someday. I now put a VERY small drop of the BLUE Loctite threadlocker on this guns screws. For heavens sake of you too use threadlocker on grip scews NEVER use the RED threadlocker. It is for permanent lock down. You would never get them out for cleaning the gun without a gunsmith.
The RUGER New Vaquaro was not available when I bought my Uberti. Now, My thoughts if I were to do the same purchase today....
The New Vaquaro would hold up better than the Uberti. Overall a more modern lockwork internals. It would also hold it's resale value more. That is a REALLY big point in the Rugers favor. The sights would be better to see.
The Uberti has the more classic look and sounds. It has the four loud clicks of the halfcock, pawl, fullcock and lock that " sing C-O-L-T " as you thumb back the hammer. Those clicks warm the heart. Makes ya feel like John Wayne before he takes out Lucky Ned Pepper in "True Grit".
If I were buying just to shoot 45 Colt and always hit the target I know now I would go Ruger. Only because of my gun's poor chamber & hard sghts. But if I really wanted those clicks and look and not shoot so much or just for plinking fun then the Uberti
But like I said In the other post neither make a good 44 Special. 44-40 ain't for me. With that bag of money I would get either in 357 mag and have it rechambered.
If EXACTLY the same price... Ruger today. Yup... Yeah... Preeeetty sure... Yeah Ruger. ( until I see Ned Pepper bite it again )