Author Topic: remmy CDL what...  (Read 1383 times)

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Offline RLB

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remmy CDL what...
« on: August 20, 2006, 06:40:04 AM »
OK today I put a Remington CDL .270 on I need to start thinking rings and glass...any sugestions???


Offline sniperVLS

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2006, 07:37:13 AM »
We need more info as to what you plan on doing with it exactly.

Longer range hunting or average range?

Budget for scope, rings and base? What brands are you already partial 2?

Look for decent eye relief with that .270 :)

Asking about scopes will get you several different responses. Some swear by a brand, while others will come in and say how bad that brand is only to recommend another.

I mostly longrange hunt so fixed variable tactical scopes are what I use(waiting for Super Sniper to make variable models). 10x fixed limits what I can shoot at as far as moving targets so I only take a shot that is tailored for myself and my setup. Ive missed out on several shots where a Variable scope that would gown down to 3 or 4 would have gotten me some food, but for me its not about coming home with blood on my hands every time. Just being able to enjoy the outdoors is enough for me :) Carrying rifles you love makes it more enjoyable. Remmy for life!

Wow, I apologize for the rant!  ;D

**Oh and I'm still looking at the CDL SF Limited, shes a beauty! The temptation grows, the safe is yearning for another addition :)

Offline RLB

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2006, 07:42:45 AM »
OK...American made is a must...variable, medium to long range,under $400.00....nothinhg tatical. was thinking luey..


Offline sniperVLS

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2006, 08:47:22 AM »

Great prices and service to match. Its where I get all my scopes and mounts lately.

Leupold Examples:

3-9x40 $190.00

4-12x40 $230.00

Add in a Leupold standard 1 or 2 piece base for $20.00 and the standard rings for another $25.00.

Again, just examples, you've got the whole world at your fingertips. Do some searching for lowest prices and let us know how the CDL shoots!


Offline RLB

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2006, 09:31:21 AM »
What can a man expect from that 4x12x40.?? the price looks awesome well within my budject. I'm looking for a one time long term deal I want the glass to last as long as the rifle.. with 12 power I imagine you could count the hairs on a bucks whiskers at 200yds... wife ok'd this purchase so it's got to be good I probably wont get another chance for a very long time...

Offline sniperVLS

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2006, 11:02:01 AM »
Personally, I'd consider 12 or 14x as max for average hunting because past that the sight picture starts getting really shaky as well as being zoomed in 2 much, but thats subjective so one cannot chose for you.

12x might even be 2 much but you can always scale it back to a lower #. Thats why I got the 10x fixed over the 16 and 20 fixed models. For a few $$ more, if you needed to you could see a little futher with the 12x over the 9x model but is it worth the extra $40.00? Only you can make that call my friend.

Those scopes should last as long as needed. I havent dealt with many Leupold hunting scopes but Im sure they are well made as most other Leupolds are.

Go to that website and check out some higher end Bushnell, Nikons, or whatever your heart desires. Do some googling on some models that catch your eye and check reviews  ;D

Good luck!

Offline JPSaxMan

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2006, 05:40:46 PM »
I myself use a Bushnell Trophy 3-9x40 with the Ballistic Reticle System thinger that I have yet to try out on a live animal, but it should be fun to see how it works  :)

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2006, 07:17:56 AM »
Try that "thinger" out and let us know how it works! lol

Offline nomosendero

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2006, 04:42:39 AM »

Great prices and service to match. Its where I get all my scopes and mounts lately.

Leupold Examples:

3-9x40 $190.00

4-12x40 $230.00

Add in a Leupold standard 1 or 2 piece base for $20.00 and the standard rings for another $25.00.

Again, just examples, you've got the whole world at your fingertips. Do some searching for lowest prices and let us know how the CDL shoots!


That would work but I would move up to the VXII, still in your budget (barely) but with click adjustments & MulticoatIV.
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Offline beemanbeme

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2006, 07:18:10 AM »
Okay, this is where I get flamed out of the room, BUT, I think scopes with excessive power tend to lull the shooters into trying shots they shouldn't. We're not varmint shooting here; an elk or a deer for that matter is a pretty big target.
 For more years than I care to remember my go to elk rifle was a 300WM with a 1.5x5 scope on it. The other was a 7mag with a 2x7 on it.  That plus a pair of light weight 10x binocs gave me all the optics I needed.  You don't need to count the hairs on a deer, merely have a good aiming point. 
Since moving to WV, I've used a .260 with a vintage 3x Weaver to take whitetails --100-125#-- out to 250 yards without any problems. 
Don't forget, the higher the magnification, the smaller the field of view.   ;D

Offline kudzu

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2006, 02:51:49 PM »
Go to optic zone and check out the Bushy 3200 & 4200 scopes. Just bought a 5x15x50(3200) and 4x16x50(4200). Both are extremlly clear and bright. The 4200may be a smiggin (southern for little) above the 3200, but I would not hesitate to but another of either.
good luck,DM

Offline JPSaxMan

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2006, 10:49:27 AM »
BBM, I can understand your frustration, but this is 2006; the 1.5x5 is obviously obsolete; but one shouldn't be hunting deer with a 8-20 (or what in the world ever) by 60 for deer (that was just a dramatization, it's been a long time since I've looked at various scope sizes). I hunt with a guy who is all about simple things, and while some things are best kept simple, it's best in my opinion to take advantage of the technology today ONLY knowing what you are capable of as a shooter. I'll admit, I'm not the best shot out there, so am I going to take a shot at a deer 200 yards away while it's running? Hell no. Would I be laughed at for not taking it? Maybe, by those who are more competent than I or those who are too stupid to consider the possibility of wounding a deer with that kind of shot. Therefore, I feel the 3-9x40 or MAYBE the 4-12x40 is an "acceptable" scope size, but bigger for deer and yes, you could be running into problems  ;D

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Offline beemanbeme

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2006, 03:40:50 AM »
JPSaxman, I think you just called me a relic.... I will admit you did it in a nice manner, however.   ;D

A 3x9x40 is a nice compromise.  My point was based on looking back at years of hunting and realizing that I had never shot a single head of game with a scope set on 9.  The only time 9 was used was when sighting in the rifle to make sure it shot to the same place at 9 as it did at 3.  In fact, I can't recall shooting a anything with the scope set above 6.  Besides me, I have noticed a minor trend of hunters going back to fixed power scopes.  You get a better, clearer scope for your dollar. That is to say better in that it has less moving parts to screw up.

When you see a novice hunter that has gotten his information from advertising hype and cyberspace experts (like me  ;) ) with his thurtty-thurtty and a 6x20x50, with mil dots of course,  mounted in see-thru mounts --hee hee, that's to help me on the long shots--, you feel sorry for them but its their money.

BTW, explain how a over powered scope makes you a better shooter?  AND, IMO someone that takes a shot at a unwounded, running deer at 200 yards needs to have the word "pilgrim" or even "slob" branded on their forehead.

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2006, 05:57:07 AM »
I recommended a Leupold VX-II 4-12x40mm to RLB on the " Optics Discussion" forum. I recommended it for a few reasons. One of which is because he preferred an "American made scope" for under $400. Another reason was because that was the scope I was planning on putting on my 280 Rem. I gotta be honest though. I was at range yesterday with a few different rifles my 280 Rem. being one of them. I currently have a 3-9x40mm Redfield Tracker (an older one) on it. This rifle flat out shoots! I was hitting a life size woodchuck target at 200 yards with it and was EXTREMELY happy with it. I also seem to forget how well this rifle/scope/ammo combo really works. If I can hit life size woodchucks in the heart lung area at 200 yards I should be able to hit a deer at 250 to 300 yards. I think if I do replace this scope (which I might not do at all) I'll go with a Leupold VX-II 3-9x40mm instead of the 4-12x40mm!
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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2006, 06:54:44 AM »
As stated before, either the VXII in 3X9 or 4X12 will work well, in this case I would go with the 3X9
for 2 reasons. 1. The 3X9 fits or balances out better on the relatively trim CDL
2. I think I saw elsewhere that the maximum shot that RLB will have is 300 yards, the 3X9 will handle that fine.

FOV is more than adaquate with either when turned down to the lowest power & that is the way I carry them in the woods. If a long shot presents itself, if you don't have time to turn up the scope, you don't have time to get set up for the shot.

BMB, how often we turn the scope up to high power depends on where we hunt. Most of the time here in AR. I don't need it, but I have a couple of stands, one a right of way that offers a long shot
occassionally & I have a stand that looks out over a grown up field with high brush. I see Deer in the brush at a distance & I can turn up the scope & wait for the Deer to line up with a hole or opening in the brush & the high power means the difference in taking or not taking the shot. Also, AR. has a
3 point rule(3 on 1 side) & I have to be sure the rack has 3 on one side, a few times I have seen big racks that were a fork horn, rare but I have seen it a couple of times.
Also, hunting in Wy. has shown me for at least in that part of the State a variable that will go up to at least 12 has been a huge asset. Again, depends on where & how you hunt.
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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2006, 04:50:36 PM »
BBM, I actually cannot explain how more power can make you a better shooter because simply I do not believe in that logic, but I do believe that so low a power that the deer is barely a dot in your crosshair isn't exactly the smartest thing either.

Yeah, and I do agree that kind of a shot is kind of reckless; hence why I won't take that kind of a shot  ;D

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Offline sniperVLS

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2006, 06:04:47 PM »
speaking of running shots...

maybe Im a wuss but Ive never taken a shot at a moving deer, at any range. I just dont feel confident enough to take it down without damaging meat and I hate to wound one to the point of chasing it forever. I guess Id try if I "needed" to fill my freezer, but that isnt the case.

Offline TLARbb

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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2006, 06:39:58 AM »
My current favorites for medium game is 3-9X and 4-12X.  The scopes in this range I am using now are Leupold Vari-X II, Nikon Monarch UCC, and Zeiss Conquest. 

Right now OpticZone has the 3-9x Conquest at a very good price.  You will have to email them for info on the deal.  I'm putting my Conquest on a 700 CDL next week when I pick up the rifle.


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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2007, 04:13:48 PM »
I thought I'd update you on the Zeiss Conquest in 3-9 x 40.  This probably the most impressive scope I own.   The clarity and contrast on this scope is remarkable.  Now, th 3-9 Conquest is their cheapest model.  With optical performance I see with that scope, there would be no reason for me to buy anything else more powerfull for deer hunting.

It is certainly reasonably priced as well.  I bought mine from TheOpticZone.  Good prices, but you will have to call to order the Zeiss models.

I have 5 Leupold Scopes and 3 Nikons.  Like them all.  Leupold has a new 3-9 out at $349 (  Haven't seen one in the flesh however. 

Any of these scope in 3-9 or 4-12 should do you well.  Since it was my first Zeiss, I thought I'd pass on my impressions.  BTW, the Conquest scopes are assembled in NY if that makes them more palatable to you.  AFAIK, the Nikons are still made and assembled offshore.


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Re: remmy CDL what...
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2007, 02:47:30 AM »
Didn't see too many recommendations on rings - Burris Signatures defintiely.  For the scope I would go with the Zeiss if possible.  I believe they are assembled here.