One of the benefits that you get with the 357max is the ability to shoot 357mag or even 38spl amo as reduced loads. Regards, Byron
Here's what Thompson Center says about shooting the shorter cartridges:
Dear Sir:
> The .357 Mag and .38 Special cartridges may be fired
> in the .357 Maximum
> chamber. However, there is a chance that the
> chamber will be ringed at the
> case mouth position of the shorter cartridges when
> fired in the longer Max
> chamber. The use of the longer Max cartridge may
> result in stiff extraction
> due to the brass flowing into the ring in the
> chamber.
> If an emergency arises and the shorter cartridges
> have to be used, then by
> all means do it. Under normal situations use only
> the longer .357 Remington
> Maximum cartridge.
> Very Truly Yours,
> Tim Pancurak
> PO Box 5002
> Rochester, NH 03866-5002