I thought about the 257/TCU but thought it had a little more power than I wanted in a easy carry gun. If the .256 MAX turned out to be too light then I could have it rechambered to the 257/TCU. Also with the doul extractors I could use 357 MAX, 221, 222, 222R, 223, 222Mag, 5.6x50 and 5.6x50R brass. With a tapered 12inch barrel the weight would be less and maby a 1 in 10 twist I to ultize most bullets up to 117 gr. I would also like to use cast bullest but might stick to gass check.
The case diameter of this series of cartridges could alow for a series rounds that could work at high chamber pressures in the contender. The other ones I'm concidering are 5.6x50 AI (almost a 22-250), 257x50 AI (hoping to be equil ot better 250 Savage), 7x50 AI (not shure what this one will do but should be a little better than a 7 TCU), 308x222 (a little better than a wisper in a 12 inch) and 308x50 AI (close to the Savage or maby a little more). You could buy 1000 5.6s50 or 5.6x50R cases, sort by weight after cleanind and dressing, and have all the cases you will need. As the necks start to get excesive wear you could then use them for shorter rounds. The full lenght cases (50mm) will be used in barrels of 15 inches or longer. Mighr even do one or two in fill carbine lenght.