Well, for starters, I'd highly recommend that you get a better powder measure. I know I'll catch some grief here about that, but trust me, if you get a good measure, you won't be sorry.
Second, are you trimming each time you load? A lot of fellows don't bother trimming pistol rounds, but when you're looking for the best accuracy in a pistol caliber rifle, trimming can make a lot of difference. It's the only way to get a truly consistant crimp, which means more to consistant velocity/accuracy in an 1894C than a pretty sizable variation in charge weights.
If you're wanting a tack driving full house load in that rifle try this combo...
140g XTP-HP's
CCI 550 primers
16.5g of Winchester 296
You can substitute H-110 if you have to.
It is possible that your scope has rattled loose, but if it did, it must have been pretty loose to start with. These rifles, even with full house 180g loads are still mild in recoil.