Several months back I got tired of switching screws and forend bushings (that's what they're called in my Contender manual) between all of my forends and went through the same thing. I E-mailed T/C and got the following reply.
Unfortunately we no longer produce the 9173, 9174, and 9175. All supplies have been depleted. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and would like you to call us if we can be of further assistance.
Very Truly Yours,
Tim Pancurak
PO Box 5002
Rochester, NH 03866-5002
End Quote
The part numbers referred to are for the Contender forend screw for 10 inch octagon, and the bushing and O ring.
I found someone who stocks bushings, but they are $9.00 each plus $2.00 shipping and handling. I bought two and they are identical to the T/C parts in every way. The price was steep in my opinion but I was impatient to get them and move on. I found the right size O ring at the hardware store and bought 10-32 socket head cap screws and cut and filed them to the proper length. The screws are different length depending on what forend and barrel they are for. I like using an allen wrench instead of a screw driver because it won't slip and like a screwdriver. :oops:
I was told to try Ed's Contenders who is an advertizer on this site and has a good reputation, but I did not see any forend bushings listed on his web site and that put me off. I'm just funny that way. Try Ed's first and if you have no luck, PM me and I will give you the contact information for the source I used.