I have to put in in a few cents here.
My family was decimated during the civil war and with the
exception of my Great Grand Father on my mothers side
they were non-combatants. Sherman and his troops were murderers
who burned women and children to death in their homes,
Shooting them down if they tried to escape the flames!
They shot men down in the fields white and black so I do not and
will not ever see him as any kind of a hero in this country.
I would love to see him tried posthumously for war crimes and
crimes against humanity.. He committed Genocide plain and simple.
My families holdings were stolen after the war by carpetbaggers
from the north. My family in no way ever held any slaves !
But They paid the price none the less. AM I hostile, You Better Believe IT.
I read the AMERICAN history books that are published by NORTHERN
publishers, and it makes me want to puke. The Northerners came into the South
Like Conquering Heroes, They stole everything they could carry away.
Raped the women and young girls, Killed other Children!
I see what the North did as similar to what the Nazis did in Poland.
With one exception ! The Jewish community is now at least getting some of the Stolen
possessions back. It is truly a shame to me that our Southern Hero's and defenders ran out of ammunition To shoot the invading armies with. The North took 2/3 of the Casualties in the war.
I hate it that it wasn't 95 or 100%. They were Looters, Thieves, rapists and murderers and to me deserved to be shot down like rabid dogs. Especially Sherman !
It was almost 150 years ago, Get over it Right
Not Me !!!