I'd have to say that S&Ws, on average, have the best SA and DA triggers. I'm talking about the ones with the firing pin on the hammer, not the Clinton & Wessons.
I have a bunch of DWs, and they are the most accurate revolvers I've ever owned. Disclaimer: Never owned a Freedom Arms M83. And by accurate, I mean really accurate. I have yet to find a load that won't shoot right in my DW M12. I suspect I could just stuff rocks in the brass and it'd shoot touching holes at 25 yards.
I hate Ruger's DA lockwork. They're all gritty. However, my Old Model Super BH is quite a piece. I'm a bit out of the mainstream, but I like how the Super Redhawk looks, especially the Alaskan. Oddly enough, I can't stand how the SP and GP look.
Aesthetics? The S&W Model 19 4", pinned and recessed, is a masterwork. The next best-looking DA is the S&W 27 with tapered barrel. Then the top three for me is rounded out with the Colt Python with ultimate stainless finish.