I just ran the figures on my ballistic calculator. With a flat nose bullet going 2200 fps, temp 65 degrees at an altitude of 5000 feet, which is where I usually hunt, I could attempt a shot out to 250 yards and still have sufficient energy to make a clean kill. With a 200 yard sight in, the bullet would be 8 inches high at 100 yards and 10 inches low at 250 yards. Velocity at 250 yards is 1602fps and energy is 969lbs.
Could I do this with confidence? You bet! I was the 2005 State Champion in Cowboy Rifle Silhouette in my state. I did that with my model 94 30-30. The range of the rams is 200 meters, which is about 220 yards. All shooting is done off hand with metallic sights. I regularly shoot 8 out of ten rams, in a match. I do it outside, in the wind, which can get pretty strong. The rams silhouette is smaller than a mule deer, more like a small spike buck.
From the looks of this, I should get rid of my 338, 308's, 30-06's, 243, and just pack my favorite packing carbine, my pre-64 model 94 30-30.