I bought an outhouse first too. Its just too small. I got tricked because the footprint is bigger than the doghouse.
I took this deer this morning out of a Hunters view lodge blind. Basically a giant doghouse 7' square & about that tall.
Tuesday evening I was sitting in my blind watching a deer behind some brush 40 yards away. I was kicking myself because I have a stand set up about 50 yards away but I decided on the blind. As lucfk would have it this deer was dancing around within 10 yards of my tree. Couldn't tell if it was a buck or not at that point but it dont matter anyway. After about an hour the deer slipped away into the woods. So Wed & Fri I sat in my stand instead of the blind & got to watch squirrels, chipmunks & birds + a couple racoons. One of the coons paid the price yesterday but thats another story.
Anyway I went back around 5:30 this morning & crawled into my blind, sat down in my lawn chair & promptly fell asleep. :lol: I'm not sure of the time, maybe 7:30 or 8:00 I caughed & woke myself up. When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was a deer in that same spot looking around. :shock: He wandered around my stand for 1/2 hour just like Tuesday afternoon but instead of wandering off he drifted towards me.
. I picked up my bow & waited for about a month it seemed for him to get into the open. When he cleared the brush he was only 20 yards out & I was at full draw. I let him get past me & tucked a broadhead a few inches behind his near shoulder, watched the arrow find its mark & stop on the offside shoulder. He took off like a bullet running full tilt for as far as I could watch him.
So now I'm second guessing myself because of my crappy shot a couple weeks ago. I sat down & relaxed for an hour & then set out to see what I could find.
At the spot where he was standing there was blood all over & Ray Charles could have tracked him. :lol: I followed the blood up a rise & down a gully, across the gully & around another rise to where I lost sight of him. He was still running full tilt at that point so I crept to the top of the rise to look around & scan the ground ahead. I couldn't see him bedded down anywhere so after a few minutes I stood & he was 10 feet away. He got out of my sight & piled up right there.
These are pictures of a resiviour adjacent to my hunting spot. I'm trying to get in there but its tough because I'm not in with the right guys. :? I know the fellow who runs it & he's a nazi type I dont get along with real well.