The neighborhood that I grew up in has an awesome hunting tradition. We have family and neighbors and friends and a few extra kids added that wouldn't be hunting otherwise. Everyones favorite thing is the young hunters, and almost every boy and girl do hunt. My Dad has been hunting with these people for over 35 years. If you shoot a spotted fawn, you may get a little ribbing, but we all celebrate each others success. We have a big buck contest. Everyone puts in $5. There are around 30 people that are in it. If you win you get 1/2 of the pot, and your name added to the trophy plaque. It usually winds up being spent on beer and pop that is freely shared at several locations after the hunting day. The remainder is spent on deer supplements that are dispersed around the neighborhood by several members. We are seeing a noticeable improvement in the antler growth of our deer. The Buck I have pictured in the hunting pictures thread in this forum is 1 1/2 years old. We used to have many small basket 6 and 8 pointers that had racks sized like both of your hands together. We have been doing this for a few years and it is starting to show. It is encouraged that you not shoot smaller bucks, but you can if you want. Taking does is fine as long as they don't have little fawns. We have had some dandy heavy antlered 10 pointers taken, one went 220 lbs. It was taken at 380 yards (lasered) heart shot with a .270 Weatherby on a woods road. Most shots are under 100 yards in the mature oaks, but there are fields and grass swamps. I could have taken any of my deer with a .30-30(some were), but there is always a chance of a longer shot. Deer hunting is my favorite time of year, though I am trying bear hunting and I hope this extends my favorite.