Well, I was walking around in a store here around the house Friday morning and noticed a TC box laying on the bottom shelf. I looked at the box and noted that it was a 15" stainless 7mm-08 barrel. They had the barrel marked for $54.99, however, the price was actually 60% off of that. So I got a brand new 7mm-08 stainless encore barrel for $22 +tax. Not a bad deal but since I didn't own a frame of my own, I had to purchase a new frame and a set of mounts from another store near the house. So, adding up the parts, barrel $22, frame $349, bushnell 2-6 $52, Leupold Dual DT mounts and rings $40. So I have a little less than $500 in the whole rig after taxes. not too bad. Looking forward to using it some this year. I'm looking at loading some 120 barnes bullets and would mainly be using them on whitetail and pigs. Is this a good choice for the animals that I have mentioned. What have you all tried and had good accuracy with. I was thinking that the 120s would be heavy enough due to the design of the barnes bullets. Thanks. GS