You can use a piece of dowel, Teflon, lead, or any material that will absorb the recoil. I used a piece of Teflon in my BC with the end that contacts the bolt milled out just enough to go over the head and contact the wood behind the bolt head. If you can find a 7/8" round piece of lead, and it is available online if you want to pay the freight, just cut pieces as spacers. The additional weight will mean more recoil reduction.
You will have to experiment as to where the recoil reducer is placed to find where it balances best.
But be sure to make another piece of dowel to fit between the suppressor and the recoil pad, put strips of tape on the suppressor to keep it from banging around and, I added an extra screw equidistant from edge of the hole as the top screw, for a little more hold.
I used a piece of aluminum tube filled with lead shot and epoxied.
Lots of ways to keep it from getting a head start and blowing out the recoil pad or making noise.
Stay away from adding any weight to the forend unless you have a gunsmith add another screw lug to the barrel.
Check my posts. I detailed what I did and what happened, what the finished weight and total weight of the pieces, for what it's worth.
My BC just keeps shooting better and better as I work the loads. Down to two rounds over lapping and the third slightly out half a diameter. Two and one, it's almost there. I'm more interested in the first round placement anyhow. As long as it hits POA from a cold barrel, I'm well pleased.
Enjoy NFG