I did not mention that the Wea. has a long throat because they do that on all Wea. rounds, I assumed we all know that but some may not, no problem mentioning it.
I was in reference to being able to seat out further, therby giving me a little more cap. , I would
seat out with the heavier bullets the same distance from the rifling either way, therefore pointing out a small gain instead of merely freebore.
I think it is best to stay with the conservative & practical expectation of 100 FPS in this conversion. We must remember that there are NO SAAMI STANDARDS for the AI's & variations do exist. For example, Cartridges Of The World (9th Ed.) state that you gain about 5% but show loads that equal any 257Wea. data that I am aware of, but remember this is not a reloading manual & are not held to as high a standard. I would be cautious of those loads. The Sierra Manual has 25-06AI data & they show the AI to be between the 25-06 (100fps less than Roy) & 257Wea. , but yet they say the 25-06 has 7-8% gain. Yea, the 06 case tapers a little more than most people realize, but not near as much as a 30-30 & some others. If you look at a 308 case, it tapers a little less & is why the 260, 7mm-08, & 308 gain very little in vel. Again the reasonable & safe expectation is 100FPS. Most people who do this conversion do so for more reasons than vel. alone. It gives you a chance to have a better chamber, very good case life if loaded to comparable pressures & a case that rarely needs to be trimmed. But remember, it has to be fireformed, a hassle for some, for me I step outside & shoot those, so weigh what is best for you. The AI is a better overall setup for me, but not for velocity alone.
Don, concerning my rifle, I have seen more than the 100fps, but all rifles are different. As I said before, I also have a long throat & combined with the AI, I may have close to a 10% cap. gain, but also my barrel was running 70FPS or so over other 26" tubes we checked, and also with a chamber that is now totally square with the bore, logically it can be loaded a hair more before pressure signs show, but when it all is lined up you can have pressure sneak up on you, so caution must be exercised as allways. And remember, even re-chambered does not mean that it will be more in line, it was in my case. Again, let's just stay with 100FPS as a gain & start with loads just under 25-06 max. & work up slowly & watch for pressure signs.