I see only a small percentage of the posts here. That's what Moderators are for. If I see a subject line that interests me or that causes me to think I might should get involved then I'll open it up and read. Otherwise I just view the subject line and move on.
When folks say they are getting as much or more velocity from the old '06 case in a .257 as I can get from my .257 Whby then I have to speak up. Same for any wildcat off the '06 case. If you are getting as much or more velocity as folks can safely get from a belted magnum case then that can ONLY come at the cost of unsafe pressure levels.
To say it shows no pressures signs means the bullets fail to exit the barrel cuz if they do exit that's a dang good sign you have pressure. There are no reliable indicators of what's safe and what's unsafe pressure unless you have pressure measuring equipment. That's one myth I keep trying to put an end to around here. I think by now all the current crop of magazine writers have posted at least one article saying the same tho admittedly some seem to forget they said it in the very next they write.
Please don't get me wrong. I looked acouple years ago at maybe building something like the 270 gibbs,270Wby,25 Gibbs or 257 Wby. Having alittle experience having a 300Wby build I did the following with that rifle. I had the case headspace on the shoulders and did away with the Wby freebore (Barrel was so marked) in doing that you reduce powder by appr 10% for the same velocity.
Of the 4 caliber I was researched I settled on the 257Wby case was headspace on the shoulders and no Wby freebore (barrel was marked) and I used a 1/9 twist barrel. With the reduction in case capacity I was close to the 25 Gibbs and the loading data published in Wildcat Cartridges vol II and the only reason I didn't do the Gibbs just decided didn't want to fireform cases.
Bill, I don't disgree with you on posting loads sometime how a wildcatter approachs building a certain caliber may not fit building the standard caliber. Most that I know who build a wildcat will spend far more time researching that someone who just buys a standard caliber and load devlopement is pretty detail.
If you remember one of your "Moderators" was trying to get my load for a custom 30-06 and I wouldn't give it to him. He just didn't understand more to velocity than just the load.
I've shorten cases less case capacity and I've gotten the same velocity using less powder so things can work the other way also. On the 270 Gibbs I post those loads when I looked at doing the 270 Gibbs one thing that was ? the barrel twist.
Again I won't post any loads. Have a good day