Author Topic: Miller Brewing Sponsored Illegal Alein march on LABOR DAY.  (Read 595 times)

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Offline rockbilly

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Miller Brewing Sponsored Illegal Alein march on LABOR DAY.
« on: September 08, 2006, 06:08:26 PM »
As for me, it is rare that I order a beer, but you can bet your booties the next one I order will not be a Miller product.

Call Miller Beer and blast them for sponsoring an illegal alien march in Chicago on LABOR DAY. We have to stop giant corporations from thinking they can fund the street marches of the illegal aliens. If you are a customer, you may want to talk boycott.

They have set up a toll-free number to handle calls on this issue: 1-800-Miller-6.

You can also send Miller an email.


We are amazed to find out that Miller is paying for pro-illegal-alien marchers to protest at the offices of U.S. Speaker of the House Hastert because he has blocked the Senate's amnesty all summer.

After coming under heavy pressure for its support of illegal immigration, Miller Brewing Co. has offered a hollow denial that it does not support illegal immigration, although it continues to support legislation giving amnesty to illegal aliens. You can ready the full story HERE

By Oscar Avila
Tribune staff reporter
Published September 1, 2006

Marchers had to duck into fast-food restaurants for water when they first took to Chicago's streets in support of illegal immigrants five months ago. At the next two marches, family-owned grocery stores offered free bottled water from trucks emblazoned with their names.

This time, as demonstrators march from Chinatown to House Speaker Dennis Hastert's (R-Ill.) Batavia office this weekend, they will have Miller Brewing Co., as a sponsor. The brewer has paid more than $30,000 for a planning convention, materials and newspaper ads publicizing the event.

The support of a major corporation for a controversial political cause shows how fierce the competition has become to woo the growing market of Latino consumers.

For Miller, the march offered a special chance to catch up. This spring the brewer drew the ire of pro-immigrant forces over contributions to U.S. Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), who sponsored legislation that would crack down on illegal immigrants. That prompted a short-lived boycott by some Latino groups.

Now, march advertisements feature not just the organizing committee's trademark blue globe but Miller's logo and a Spanish translation of its "Live Responsibly" slogan, a company effort to build goodwill among Latinos.

But this march is no Cinco de Mayo parade. The politically charged event will promote a controversial plan to end deportations and offer legal status for all 11 million to 12 million undocumented immigrants. That creates potential pitfalls for any businesses lending support, experts say.

At the same time business sponsorships have forced activists to confront whispers that they are commercializing their movement when they accept much-needed donations.

"We would love to have 20 corporate logos. It doesn't mean we are selling the movement out," said Jorge Mujica, a member of the March 10 Committee. "The principles and demands remain the same. They are helping out this movement and we are happy with that."

Labor unions remain the movement's backbone with four major unions bringing at least 600 marchers on buses from throughout Chicago. Religious groups have been key too. Some marchers will bed down in churches and a mosque.

But businesses have become vital to this weekend's Immigrant Workers Justice Walk, which will cover 45 miles to Hastert's district office. Hundreds of marchers plan to cover the entire span from Friday through Monday, and organizers need food and water for them.

Sometimes political and commercial messages are mingled.

At a July march, Chicago-based food producer V&V Supremo printed signs with its logo that urged "Moratorium Now, Legalization Yes."

Jimenez Market, an area chain, had its sign on display as workers passed out more than 5,000 bottles of water and other supplies worth nearly $17,000. Co-owner Jose Perez acknowledged it is good publicity but stressed that "we are supporting our people. Without them, our business would go downhill."

This weekend, the Los Comales restaurant plans to donate 500 tortas, Mexican sandwiches filled with steak, ham and other toppings. The Laredo Bakery is donating bread while other restaurants are donating water, fruit and other supplies, organizers said.

Those businesses are natural allies--"part of the same brotherhood," as one marketer put it.

But the presence of Miller at a welcoming reception the day before the Aug. 12-13 planning convention raised eyebrows.

The convention brought together labor unions, anti-war groups, immigrant service organizations and even socialist political candidates.

Hours before bashing NAFTA and U.S. foreign policy, participants at the Aug. 11 reception mingled with the Miller Girls, the company's public relations ambassadors, amid a display of Miller logos.

That Miller was involved in the first place is one measure of the growing power of immigrants. After the boycott announcement, the company approached march organizers to try to find common ground, and agreed to back the march organizers' efforts.

Miller is also bankrolling informational ads in Voces Migrantes, or Migrant Voices, a community newspaper in Chicago, and has promised scholarships for area Latinos.

Mathew Romero, the company's local market development manager, said Miller felt it was important to speak out against Sensenbrenner's legislation, though his campaign was one of many the company supported.

Romero noted that company founder Frederick Miller was a German immigrant and many current executives are foreign nationals. Miller is now part of London-based SABMiller.

Romero said he wasn't worried that some opponents of illegal immigration would be upset at the company's support of "the free movement of people, labor, goods and services."

"As long as you are stacking facts against facts, they are free to make their own decisions. We will stand by our positions," he said.

George San Jose, president of the San Jose Group, a Chicago-based marketing company specializing in the Hispanic market, said he understands why companies chase Hispanic purchasing power, which tops $700 billion annually in the U.S. Brewers, he said, have been especially aggressive.

But San Jose would advise clients that there are better ways.

"A company sponsoring one of the two sides of the immigration debate is no different than a company sponsoring groups for or against abortion [rights>. It's one of those heated political debates that companies should stay clear of," he said.

At the request of march organizers, media executive Robert Armband sent e-mails to thousands of business contacts, asking if they would consider helping the March 10 Committee.

"It certainly is an opportunity to reach the masses, but it might not be the right vehicle to come out as a sponsor," said Armband, publisher and chief executive of La Raza, a Chicago newspaper.

March organizers say they have not made any full-fledged sales pitches to major corporations and are having internal discussions about whether they should make a real push. That can be a tough decision, according to march organizer Gabe Gonzalez.

Gonzalez said he represents those in the movement--maybe half the total, he thinks -- who don't even consider themselves capitalists. Many have been involved with labor campaigns targeting specific companies.

March organizers shot down a suggestion that they approach Coca-Cola, for example, because of what they perceive as the company's labor abuses in the developing world, a cause celebre among liberal activists.

Although immigrant activists see legalization as an issue of social justice, Gonzalez said corporations might back the idea as a way to protect their bottom line. Whatever the motivations, Gonzalez said he would cooperate with almost any company willing to back the cause.

"That's the nature of politics. You form coalitions based on mutual self-interest," Gonzalez said. "So will we work with corporations? We will work with anyone who will work with us."
 Miller Brewing Co. sponsors illegal alien march 
    I have made the call!
I can definitely commit to placing this call
I MIGHT be able to call-I'll tell you later
Sorry, I cannot place this call  Miller Brewing Company
Milwaukee, WI
 Be polite, but firm. Miller Brewing Company is running away from this story as fast as they can, but their excuse rings hollow considering their continued support for amnesty.
Talking point:      I am furious about reports that you are sponsoring a march for illegal aliens, and on LABOR DAY too!
Talking point:      You will not get any of my money so long as you support amnesty for illegal aliens. 
Talking point:      Do you realize how ridiculous you sound when you say your favor legalizing illegal aliens, but are against illegal immigration?
Talking point:      If you didn't give $30,000 to the organizers of the illegal alien march, what did you do to give the Chicago Tribune that idea?

Offline Brett

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Re: Miller Brewing Sponsored Illegal Alein march on LABOR DAY.
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2006, 04:31:32 AM »
Miller won't get anohter dime of my money and I intend to send them an e-mail telling them just that and why.
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Re: Miller Brewing Sponsored Illegal Alein march on LABOR DAY.
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2006, 03:33:50 AM »
Miller beer is pretty bad to begin with.

Offline Savage .250

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Re: Miller Brewing Sponsored Illegal Alein march on LABOR DAY.
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2006, 08:32:42 AM »
  I drink................Rolling Rock, I`m good. 
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Re: Miller Brewing Sponsored Illegal Alein march on LABOR DAY.
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2006, 06:20:28 PM »
I knew there was a reason I hated miller beer.  Bottled piss.
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Re: Miller Brewing Sponsored Illegal Alein march on LABOR DAY.
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2006, 06:59:50 PM »
Therein lies the problem with politicizing "big business". Sounds like another race-baiter's shakedown to me.

Anyway, go Denny, go!

By the way, polls show that 71% of Americans think our porous borders are a security problem, and only 40% of those people feel that terrorists are the main issue. Miller Brewing should stick to beverages, because their foreign policy suggestions are even worse than their beer.

Offline rockbilly

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Re: Miller Brewing Sponsored Illegal Alein march on LABOR DAY.
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2006, 08:44:31 AM »
I gave Miller a call, I felt like I got the run-a-round.  They were not to straight forward in their answers, and referred me to their web site.  I went there, and still did not find what I was looking for.

Their story,  Miller donated the 30K for assistance in gaining citizenship for legal immigrants, but all the money was not spent in that area, part of it was used for the illegal's march. 

Sounds like a cop-out, trying to get their foot out of their mouth after the fact. +