You have said quite a bit there Sir. Let me start out by saying I would be surprised if they let you light up a 44 mag rifle in the indoor range, maybe in your neck of the woods they allow it, but up here the boys that own the business don't take a shine to the rifle boys blowing up their bullet traps :roll:
In as far as the 44 mag rifle and its killing effectiveness on game, it will, with limitations of course. Myself, I would think a man on the foolish side if he were to take a 44 rifle to a big bear, REGARDLESS of what bullet he were using. In my passle of 44 levers I have found the Marlin Microgroove to be the most accurate of all of them. In so saying, the best one I ever had would do about 1.5 inches at 50 yards, and thats with the 265 Hornady which was designed for the 444 Marlin but will open up in the 44 Mag just so long as you don't push the range and drop down too low in the velocity window.
I do not wish to get anyone up in arms, but I have a most difficult time in believing that any 44 round would penetrate both shoulders of an elk, the round just does not have the energy to do that. I don't believe even a solid would do it, leastways not on the elk I've shot.
IMO, I would rate the 44 rifles as good deer guns in close cover as they are light, fast to cycle, and the Marlins hold some serious firepower in reserve. Too, the lever throws are short so you can really pour the lead if you know what I mean. But then 11 rounds of 44 mags in the tube does change the balance point of the rifle, and it adds weight.
Now sure as shootin, somebody is gonna smoke me like a salmon about this verbiage since just about all critters on the planet have in fact been knocked off with the 44 mag HANDGUN. On this matter I will say that those who do this, and do it regular, are people who know how to shoot well, have a discipline to get close and then get closer, and hold fire until they get the shot they need to get it done. I reckon if a man was to adapt this same logic to the 44 rifle he could kill outside of what one would consider normal. Most of the chaps I know that tote 44 leverguns aren't all that keen on precision shooting, if they were they'd run bolt guns. The guys I know who do, myself included, are the ones that need a light fast short rifle to get on a jumped deer while burning up the boot leather.
Of course this is all just my 2 cents worth and I do not wish anyone to go ballistic over my experience with the round in question. As I have seen on another board, the lads went snake do when I said I did not feel that a 22 short was the right thing to be hunting elephants with after one character gave testimony that it was sure in the right hands. In that case, I am doubtful that the punny bullet even penetrated the skin, much less into the vitals. If said elephant did in fact cross the Great Divide from such an attempt I would guess his time was up and he more than likely died from heart failure at seeing the nimrod and not as a consequence of the 29 grain bullet :grin:
I do like the 44 levers. So long as you use them within their effective range they will do a good job for the bearor. Like any other rifle or caliber, if one pushes the envelope, stretches the range, takes "Hail Mary" shots, then, they don't do so well.
Peace Bro