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Offline backwoodsboy

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deer hunting tactics
« on: September 12, 2006, 04:44:04 PM »
hey fellas, so i hope your all thinking bout hunting seasons and seasons soon to open because i know i am and i got questions, wich is where you guys come in. im lookin to start deer hunting with the bow this fall, i own a #55 long and am i fairly good with it, and confident on my ability to make a clean killing shot on a deer with in 20 yrds or so...heres the thing im not one to go climbing into to a tree stand and everyone i ask for some advice on deer hunting methods thats all i get "treestands,treestands,treestands" so im wondering if anyone can tell me some other tactics, or prehaps elaborate on stalking, still hunting, or ground blinds.
any help for this beginner would be great thank you all

Offline Woodbutcher

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Re: deer hunting tactics
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2006, 12:45:29 PM »
Dear backwoodsboy:
 I'll take a try at this, and hope it helps. I used to paint for a living, houses and such. Sometimes the "such" was kinda high, as in up in the air! I had lot's to hang on to, and other people were around. But the old rule doesn't change, what goes up.....ect!
 If you're not one to be climbing, that just shows me that you're being sensible. I know what it's like to go up, and since I hunt alone, I don't feel comfortable about it.
  Lot's of critters been taken from ground level for how many centuries now, do ya think? Seems reasonable to focus on the knowledge of the critter and the terrain, so that you can focus on where to be and when. Whether you're up a tree or not.
 Over the years, i've learned my way around in a few patches of woods, hunting and hiking, groundhogs in the summer, and small game or deer in season. As I type this, I'm starting all over again, learning a new patch of woods. It's called progress. I've lost my last four hunting spots to housing developments.
 The best info I ever saw was from the book " Hunting whitetails with recurve and longbow" by J. Hamm. The first thing he says, is to get a map. All the other ....stuff...falls into place after that. It never seemed to matter what kind of gear or methods I used if there weren't no deer where I was! And if I didn't know where the deer might be, cause I didn't know the woods, there I was! And I've known them woods to be real lonesome and empty at such times.
 I have a couple of new spots picked out and look forward to stumbling around in them. I'll get the maps, and so I'll become familiar with the areas a lot sooner and easier.
 By the way I like your choice of equipment.

Offline Davemuzz

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Re: deer hunting tactics
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2006, 12:30:03 AM »

Ground blinds can and do work. I found a good use for one of those camo "tree" umbrellas when it isn' t raining. I use mine as a ground blind....kind of. I will set it up behind me to block deer from seeing me move. I've been "busted" looking forward and they were behind me on many occasions. So, I get a little more use from my $25 umbrella.

Of course, if the wind isn't right, that's another story....but it certainly helps. I do believe it assisted me in lancing my 8 point last year.

Best of luck to you.


Offline Mac11700

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Re: deer hunting tactics
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2006, 08:18:28 PM »
I much prefere the spot & stalk method for all my archery hunting...There is no one way to do this correctly...but many ways to do it incorrectly.Pay close attention to the will push your scent faster than you matter how clean you think you matter how much cover up scent you use..If the deer has been scared and reconizes a scent is gone...Everything you look for in treestand do the same with hunting on the ground...Keep movements slow...don't skyline yourself with the sun behind you...wash all your cloths in a uv blocker detergent...Wear shoes you can feel small branches underneath your feet..Take a few steps and scan your surroundings slowly...looking for that tell tale ear movement..or the straight line of it's back..If you do spook one...crouch down and watch where it goes...and what it does...I've had deer startled and then sneak back to almost the same location..If the area looks good...I may back out..and return a couple days later..Don't walk thru major bedding areas...or on the deer trails unless nessacary..stay off to one side..Learn how to walk thru leaves quitely...depending on the area you may be the only way to get a shot

The steady gate of a man walking is not what you want to sound like...You have to learn how to slow molasase on a cold day...You have to learn how to "see" the deer before they see or smell you...and that isn't an easy task...Some folks like to find a nice ridge that tails off into a valley and set up an ambush site on it..I use this method too...and it can be very effective if you know deer are using the area..

No matter what you deceide..use the natural  vegitation for cover scents...If in pine tree areas...I rub a-lot of the needles over my cloths...oak trees...same thing with the dried does help to smell like the area your in as compared to a foriegn smell...If I hunt from a ridge...I clear the area beneath me...and lay back using the leaves around me You would be suprised how many deer will walk right by you doing this...then all you have to do is lean up and shoot...

Building blinds or using portable blinds may work if concealed good enough...but I don't use them...I use what the area has to offer...Deer will reconize something different in there area...I watched a compound shooter put up one of those real expensive blinds...and he did a good job of hiding it..from my vantage point on top of the ridge above him..I watched several does approach his blind...and then turn and go the other way,...they all sensed it wasn't right...and the archer never knew they were even there...That doesn't mean they won't work for you though...many folks use them and swear by them...I just prefere the much easier way of doing it..

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...


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Re: deer hunting tactics
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2006, 12:42:05 PM »
I don't like to climb trees either. I use the terrain as much as possible. Hunt from small cliffs, set up behind vegetation. I also am a firm believer in attractants. Last year I set up behind a brushpile and set a small bottle of tinks 25 yards away on the edge of an open field. A nice 9 pointer came by and stuck his nose right in that bottle.
While he was distracted I launched an arrow, double lung shot. He was dead and didn't even know it, dropped like a rock in 20 yards. I know a lot of people that hunt from treestands too. Still hunting or hunting from a ground blind is a lot more challenging imho. I think that it just takes time in the woods to see what types of coverwork for you.




Offline a45gunslinger

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Re: deer hunting tactics
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2006, 06:18:05 AM »
 I just recently harvested my first deer w/ a recurve... I managed to stalk her in a hay field and got an 18 yd shot on her. most fun i've had hunting in years.- Kevin.

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Re: deer hunting tactics
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2006, 10:13:43 AM »
Like all of what has been said and there is nothinig like hunting from the ground with a bow.  There is a very good resource for this, and G Fred's  "The Ground Hunter's Bible" is an excellent resource.  His 'mobile stand' methodology is killer.  I also like using the natural terrain, but typically combine that with a little augmentation in cover.  Also, he got me into buying a gillie suit...very helpful. 

I'm not gonna resay all that's been said cause I like what the others have written.  Watch the wind, use your binoculars regularly, and when it comes to cover what's behind you is more important than what is in front of you.

Good huntin.  Enjoy the book. 
When the heart is light the feet are swift.

Offline jbtazgrabber

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Re: deer hunting tactics
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2006, 07:04:25 PM »
im not fond of hights either...the better halfis worst.....the side of a hill wher deer bed in cold weather is a good spot...just stay higher than them....use the special soaps for clothes....i have ok luck with a burlap camo tarp.<sold at wally world for 7 bucks>the tents are to noticable to deer.....the wife killed her 3rd deer this year from a fallen tree...shes not over 6 feet of the ground.....if you still hunt  my old man told me years ago walk like a cow//?????????three steps and eat eat all they can reach...then three steeps and eat....well in our case its 3 steeps and look aii around..wait then 3 steeps and so be honest the tree hunter have better odds if they done thier homework....but not every body can shoot from the ground or still hunt and kill deer....but whene you do its all worth it......good luck ..jb

Offline SDS-GEN

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Re: deer hunting tactics
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2006, 01:32:32 PM »
Here is a trick that has put a couple deer in my freezer  (and a nice non typical on the wall).  Get in a stream, if a stream or creek is on the property you hunt put on rubber boots or hip waders and SLOWLY walk in the water.  If the banks are 4 feet deep or so that's even better.  It is hard for deer to see and hear you and you won't leave scent behind.  There is also usually a pretty good trail along creeks, so you can sit on the bank and wait for a deer to come by.  It is definately a bigger thrill to kill a deer from the ground instead of in a tree.

Offline HuntCast

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Re: deer hunting tactics
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2006, 04:15:15 PM »
I know what ya mean about the trees, (I have the same problem) but try this.
I built a 10 foot tall ladder stand with a huge platform. Then I made sure to place it into a pine tree, completely surrounded by other trees.
By being surrounded like that, you feel like you could just reach out and grab a branch then jump down, lol, which at 10 feet I guess you could. Doesn't even feel like you are off the ground.
Even that 10 feet made it easier to go un-noticed by ther deer, and made me feel much more confident.

I still love to still hunt too, however ;)

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Re: deer hunting tactics
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2007, 02:46:48 AM »
Ground hunting (stalking) for deer is best in the heat of the rut.
Many of the blinds work and this has worked for me as well.
Corn Corn and Corn. In my area a corn field provides ideal ground hunting.

Here is a trick that has put a couple deer in my freezer  (and a nice non typical on the wall).  Get in a stream, if a stream or creek is on the property you hunt put on rubber boots or hip waders and SLOWLY walk in the water.  If the banks are 4 feet deep or so that's even better.  It is hard for deer to see and hear you and you won't leave scent behind.  There is also usually a pretty good trail along creeks, so you can sit on the bank and wait for a deer to come by.  It is definately a bigger thrill to kill a deer from the ground instead of in a tree.

I find the problen not seeing deer from the ground but seeing them in an area or way that allows you to draw get a shot with out them seeing you. I do not like to call or atract deer less I have great natural cover.  
keep your powder dry !!!