come to think of it you are looking for some magic thing to bring coyotes to ya.and looks like you do not want to work very hard for them.
every time I have used bait to bring them in and keep them coming in.regarless of what I was hunting sharks,deer,pig,conjio pintados,.I have had to work hard to do it.carring 7 or 8, 5gal buckets of mangoes through the jungles for several hundered yards every day for a week to hunt one or two nights.setting up feeders and ensuring they are full every week or month and that they were working properly.
remember the movie gost and the darkness?true did they attrack the lions to their traps??
what trappers do for trap lines, I am sure is far more differnt then what some one wanting to bait coyotes to shoot over is going to do.
I guess you think that folks would tell you take a road kill rabbit out with you(thats easy) and throw it out in a field and coyotes will come for miles every day to feed on it??heck most yotes will swallow a rabbit bring coyotes in like you asked and keep them going to take an effort I believe.But there is hope for an easy way and you just might get lucky..there are some web sights that sell coyote in heat.put some in a spray bottle and spray it in the air and on trees and bush's as long as it don't rain, they should come for miles and keep coming back.good luck...