For what its worth, I had a similar experience with a .243 24" factory barrel. Now bear with me on the details because its been quite a few years but this thing would group between 8 - 12 inches @100 with either a 105 or 115 grain bullet (can't quite remember exactly and I'm not sure what the rate of twist was) . I called T/C and their first suggestion was to run an over-size bronze bore brush down the barrel in an attempt to "clean up any rough spots on the rifling". Sounded pretty lame to me but I gave it a shot, went back to the range, and still had the same lousy groups. After many trial and error efforts with scopes, mounts, powder, seating depth, etc I tried a 90 grain (may have been 85g) nosler b-tip and I was getting an honest 1" group! So I guess what I am trying to say is before you go through the expense and hassle of sending it back to the shop, first try a lighter bullet. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.