Keith, of course we all have the right to express opinions. But a logical person will be more interested in facts than mere opinions that are not based on the facts. Early in this thread we had talk of the Bergara barrels being extruded, which turns out to not be the case
for the OE. That's the problem that I have with decisions based on opinions. I would rather make my decisions based on the facts.
Dave said that Mac missed the point, it isn't about gun barrels, but economics. I guess that is why the thread is titled "Begara Barrels
for the Encore" & why the original post asked about the barrels & NOTHING was asked about the economics. Here is the question asked. "Does anyone have any information or experience with the Bergara barrels for the Encore, or any other firearm application?"
He goes on to mention the OE using these barrels which involves "any other firearm application". NOTHING about economics was mentioned in the original post. So instead of answering the original post, some tried to convert it to a foreign vs US thread.
Some may have felt it was time for the lecture, but I don't really need it. I drive 50-60,000 miles per year & have bought a bunch of cars & trucks, but not a foreign one yet & I am 54, so a lot of vehichles. As a matter of fact,I can't think of anything that I have purchased for over $1,000 that was not American, I am big on that. So I don't really need the lecture. If a person buys at Walmart, K-Mart or any other China Mart & complains about me buying 2 or 3 of these barrels, come on!! How long does it take to buy $160.00 of Chinese stuff at WM? And if my Encore had deliivered what I wanted the first time, I would not be trying a Bergara barrel now.
I am not done with my Encore or TC barrels at all. I have a couple of Pro Hunter barrels that I still want to try. I WILL post the results, Lord willing. I have a Contender Super 14 that is crazy accurate with it's 223 & 30-30AI barrels. My Contender is NOT for sale! I have had other TC's over the years & I like them alot. It appears that right now TC puts out some very good barrels & some that are not so good. Also, some report vert tight lockups & some do not. I hope these specs. tighten up a little & sometimes competition will make
that happen when nothing else can.
In a couple of weeks I will be pickng up a OE with a MZ barrel & a 270 tube. I have a 308 OE barrel in my safe that I ordered a couple of weeks ago. I will know soon how they perfom & I will post the results, god or bad on the proper forum. I will posts the results on the TC tubes in the future on this forum, but it will be awhile before I can do that.
Soooo, I am going to say the same thing that I said before & the statement that stirred things up, but shouldn't have. May the best one win!! That should not bother anyone who is actually looking for the truth & logical data. Of course, if you KNOW you have the best, this would not be a concern either. I am not emotionally attached to any gun company & I don't understand that thinking, but
I do believe you are entitled to it. So, let's see how it shakes.