I have to make a correction to my above post. It didn't register "in my mind" at that time, that the post is about a revolver that i "didn't" still own! So, i've had to rethink my answer....
The only revolver i've owned in the past and can say it would perhaps still be nice to own, would be a S&W M-48 with 6" bbl....(22 Win. mag.) that i sold long ago. I probable wouldn't shoot it much nor do i even need it, but it was very accurate and i shot it well...
One time, i had a big male german shepherd dog come at me at a full run growling with teeth showing. I was out on a horse trail that parlleled a hi-way, (in Alaska) and i happen to have had that M-48 in my snowmobile suit.... I yelled at him waveing one arm while reaching for that M-48 with the other, but he still came for me running full on! I only had time for one very fast shot that hit him squarely in the head as he slammed into me, thankfully dead, and nearly knocking me off my feet! To this day i can still see the sight picture as the gun went off.