Author Topic: Cast bullet sides misaligned  (Read 772 times)

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Offline wswisconsin

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Cast bullet sides misaligned
« on: September 23, 2006, 06:54:31 AM »
I recently received a Lyman mold #2660651 (45 cal FN, GC 325 gr 452651).  I am using wheelweight lead dipper casting from a cast iron pot on a camp stove.

When I gas check/size my cast bullets, one half of the bullet appears more pressed by the sizer (Lyman) than the adjacent half.  One half (right half) has a longer pressed area than the adjacent half - turn the bullet around and I see the same difference (right half longer) in pressed areas.

Is this to be expected?  If not, is it me, the mold, or the sizer?

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Re: Cast bullet sides misaligned
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2006, 08:24:05 AM »
Sounds like the mold might be out-of-round a bit.  I really don't know how much out-of-round really matters though.  I have several molds that do the same thing and the bullets shoot very well.  Guess you will have to try some to see if it affects accuracy.  Remember, the bore of the weapon you are using is a big swaging device so the bullet gets reshaped in the bore anyhow.  Good-luck...BCB

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Re: Cast bullet sides misaligned
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2006, 06:48:10 AM »
I'd say it's a defective mould. I have that same mould and none of the problems you describe. Years ago I had a defective mould from Lyman and returned it for repair and/or replacement. It took about 2 months for the turn around. Hopefully they are faster now.

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Re: Cast bullet sides misaligned
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2006, 04:04:50 PM »
Your nose punch may be out of line with your sizing die. Try sizing nose first and see if the bullet doesn't seem more concentric. This is a common problem with most lubri-sizers. Even if your mould is a bit out of line, nose first sizing will give you concentric sized bullets.

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Re: Cast bullet sides misaligned
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2006, 02:13:40 AM »
Curator is correct. There is likely nothing wrong with the mould, but sizing bullets like this that are very long and skinny in a normal lubrisizer is a real challenge. I had to considerably modify a Lyman 450 in order to get those bullets to work, and now it is dedicated to that bullet only. My recommendation is to make or purchase a push through die like Lee makes to size and gascheck the bullets, then run them into the lubrisizer for lubing using a die that is .002 larger than the bullet. That way you don't bother them, only apply lube. This is what I do with mine, and it works great. I also use Lee tumble lube instead of normal lube if the velocity isn't too high, so I don't have to use the lubrisizer at all.
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Re: Cast bullet sides misaligned
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2006, 12:11:53 AM »
two possiblitltys are that your alingment pins on the mold arent adj right and like was said the lyman sizers are notorious for wiping one side of a bullet especially large caliber bullets. Back when i ran lymans and did bullets for my 500s i use to run them all through nose first and then run them through base first and lube them
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