Author Topic: 9-25-06 hunt Pictures Added  (Read 482 times)

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Offline okla_hog_hunter

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9-25-06 hunt Pictures Added
« on: September 26, 2006, 06:30:51 AM »
 me,curdog and alvin went back where we caught the big boar yesterday. we thought we might find the the sows that was seen there.we got the dogs out about 7 and off they went, about 45 minutes later we heard one of curdogs dogs bay out then we heard nothing,we had 4 of are good strike dogs gone and could not find them on the tracking system,about a hour later we thought we heard dogs baying off in the far distance.we started walking that way when he could get a faint sound on the tracker,we would get just about there when the hog would break again.they had went by this time about 5 miles.we got to them when curdog said there he is,he was running in and out of some briar thickets and honeysuckle and was giving our dogs a hard time.i cut my bulldog sampson loose when he tore through the thicket and put a stop to the running and the fight was on ,curdog tryied to get to them but it was to thick to get there, they came out the other side when me and curdog grabed him by the back legs.we had to stick him because there was no way to get a 4 wheller  to get him out.when it was all over the dogs was cut up pretty bad and wore out. he was about a 250 to 275 pound boar that was a dog cutter,those dogs done a heck of a job holding him there for about 3 and a half hours before we could catch up to them.we got the dogs sewed up and had to drop a couple off at the vets.but what a hunt we had.we got 11 dogs cut in 2 days with these to bad boars.we will have pictures we we get them back

Kenny Phelps
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Re: 9-25-06 hunt Pictures Added
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2006, 07:51:58 AM »


 You three are having way too much fun,,, Funny how jealousy creeps into my replies but surly you haven't  figured that out yet." Boy!!! " you will never know how much i would like to " be there and do that " But when it comes to running through
The brush and sticker patches over a long distance, my part is all done and over with. But i can look over my past and know i have had some of the same experiences you guys are having now. Thanks for the pictures guys " good way to keep the blood flowing "  Stay Safe........Joe............

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Re: 9-25-06 hunt Pictures Added
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2006, 08:01:45 AM »
it was a great hunt for sure, had to leave two of the dogs at the vet overnight but they will be fine.i don;t believe i have ever been so tired after a hunt, i guess chasing that hog 5 miles will do that,  :D
no hog to big for our dogs