Oh sorry...
I know that the two vent rib ones have screw in chokes.
S03213 - 12 Ga., 28" Vent rib, Screw-in choke (Mod) - $79.00
S03344 - 20 Ga., 28" Vent rib, Screw-in choke (Mod) - $79.00
Also some of the turkey barrels do also. These are all listed as having chokes, but I would call the factory just to be sure.
T98-TK2 12 Ga., 24" Turkey, Extra-Full $61.00
T98-SSB 12 Ga., 24" Steel Shot $61.00
G98-TK2 12 Ga., 28" Turkey, Extra-Full $61.00
G98-SSB 12 Ga., 28" Steel Shot $61.00
G98-MOD 12 Ga., 28" Mod. Lead Shot $61.00
I would give the company a call to be sure.