Okay guys, help me make a choice here. I got back into Contenders last year and I am now up to 3 barrels suitable for big game:
- 14" 30-30 AI
- 12" 357 Max
- 14" 44 Mag
I'm trying to decide which one to use on Elk this year. The area I hunt is very heavy undergrowth and timber and shots are not likely to exceed 75 yards, maybe 100 yards max. My thinking is that the 30-30 AI with a 150gr Ballistic Tip is a bit light and that maybe the 357 Max with a 180gr SSP might be as well. So I'm leaning towards the 44 Mag with either a 300gr hardcast or a 300gr jacketed softpoint. My manuals tell me I should be able to push those to a little over 1400fps. My goal is to punch as big a hole as possible through the boiler room. How's my logic and should I take anything else into consideration?