Youll be hard pressed to find 45acp that acctually headspaces on the case mouth. Most of the brass varies way too much in length to accomplish this. You will find that the extractor is holding the brass in place durring firing or you would be having all kinds of missfires from the case floating back and fourth in the chamber. I'm not saying that 45acp was not designed to headspace on the shoulder, I'm just saying that it rarly happens. There was an artical by one of the reloading writers recently about just this. I don't remember which mag it was, maybe someone else remembers. As to ringing your chamber I doubt that the 45acp would ever be hot enough to couse this. It usually happens with the magnum rounds. Such as 357mag in a 357max. 44mag in a 445 super mag. Shoot and have fun, KN