Specific tactics, or any good idea should be
recorded and evaluated, but the general plan
is also important.
What are the components for good Strategy,
an over-all plan, over time?
Consider, one component of a good Strategy:
Start where there is fertile ground and a good
probability of success.
In selecting successive areas (geographic, legal, or other),
also select fertile ground and probablility of success.
Dah, of course. It needs to be said and understood,
because in their zeal, many do just the opposite.
Walmart started in small town areas that were
under-served by big retailers. If Sears, had only
predicted Walmart's ultimate success, Sears could
have crushed Walmart at a formative stage.
But Walmart went un-noticed or posed no threat,
as little country stores, here and there.
So, for the break-in problem, try not to attract big
city adversaries, while in your formative stage.
My guess: your strongest adversaries would be a few
parents who are directly impacted and who want
themselves and their kids to be un-accountable.
Other adversaries will be the doctrinaire type, the few
key liberals that you will find, even in rural areas,
for example:
some PTA moms, some newspaper reporters.
My examples are stereotypes, of course, but it is
important to identify as many adversaries as you
can, in advance. You need to minimize their impact,
and at present, I have no general advice for this.
I have never organized such a group, or movement;
if my ideas make sense to you, use them.
Don't be Lone Rangers,